David Hasselhoff Quotes Page 2


Best 55 Quotes by David Hasselhoff – Page 2 of 2

“If you're not in the game, you can't hit a home run.”

“Image is what people perceive my life to be. It's nothing like the truth.”

“In a cornball way, I think being a celebrity is about making a difference, too.”

“In life, you either watch TV or you do TV. I told my daughters that the only way you're going to make it in this business is to get in the game. That's the biggest advice I can give them.”

“My Christmas wish would be to have an entire week off. To spend it with my family and just curl up and watch Christmas movies when it's snowing outside.”

“My one ambition was to go to Broadway, and I never gave up on that dream.”

“My problem is people seem to laugh at me, but the one that laughs harder than anybody is me.”

“My web site is so fresh. The paint is still wet, but stay tuned, because I have lots of personal things, specifically about what is happening day-to-day, that I will keep updating daily.”

“My wife is the dancer, but I certainly know how to sing.”

“Ninety-nine percent of people now call me The Hoff – and it's out of respect.”

“Spirituality – prayer – is a big part of my life.”

“That's one of the good things about being recognisable – if you need a quick escape, the cabbies will take care of you.”

“The difference between men and women seems to be this: I can argue with my promoter downstairs, accuse him of ripping me off, and 20 minutes later we'll be playing golf together. With a lady, the same argument can go on for, like, years.”

“The first time I went to Wales I thought I'd landed in a land of hobbits. Everybody was really small and the houses were small and the writing was backwards.”

“The Hoff has become larger than life, so I can't do anything small any more. If I mess up, it becomes big no matter what it is, so if I do something positive, it has to be equally big.”

“The Hoff has taken over David Hasselhoff. David Hasselhoff really doesn't know who he is anymore. Everywhere I go, it's The Hoff.”

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“The problem with me is that nothing embarrasses me. Everything I've done ends up working in my favor. Even when I make mistakes and people exploit my mistakes on television or on the Internet, and they use it to make fun of me, it's just kind of working in my favor at the end. It's really strange.”

“The talent that I was blessed with was really for the theater.”

“We made sure nobody died on the show. We made sure nobody ever drowned on 'Baywatch'.”

“When I play discos in Belfast or freshers' week in Oxford, there are 1,800 kids dressed as me. It's odd, it's funny, and it pays really well.”

“When I was doing 'Britain's Got Talent', I really enjoyed it, but I found it very difficult to be in the audience. I like to be on stage; I feel safer on stage because I'm in control.”

“When you realize that life isn't fair, you don't act out, you don't get overly wasted, you don't get self-indulgent. You just move forward.”

“When you're on stage, you're in control. No one can get to you.”

“Wherever I can go, I hit the water, whether it's the ocean, or in L.A. it's Zuma Beach in Malibu; I just hit the water.”

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“There are many dying children out there whose last wish is to meet me.”

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