David Icke Quotes

Best 9 The Biggest Secret Quotes by David Icke

The Biggest Secret Quotes

“An example is to say on one hand that this world is imperfect and on the other that everything that happens on the Earth is perfection. How can both be true? Well they are. From the perspective of everyday life, the world is not perfect. We have wars, hunger, disease, unhappiness and pain of all kinds. That’s true. But from the perspective of the evolution of humanity everything is perfect. That’s equally true. The only way we can evolve is by learning from experience and that means experiencing the consequences of our thoughts and actions. If there were no unpleasant consequences for our actions, how could we possibly learn and evolve to higher levels of understanding?”

The Biggest Secret

“Another thing to watch. The Brotherhood name organisations in a way that leads people to believe their aim is the opposite of what they are really there to do. For instance, if you want to run drugs without being suspected, do it through an anti-drug agency. If you want to destroy land and kill wildlife, do it through a wildlife protection agency. If you want to run a Satanic ring, do it through the Christian Church.”

The Biggest Secret

“Don’t work for your mind, make your mind work for you.”

The Biggest Secret

“I have seen countless people say they want to transform themselves and their lives and tune into the new vibration. But when the challenges have come, which are necessary to make that happen, they want out immediately and go back to life as before.”

The Biggest Secret

“If I want you to empower me and support me in an election, do I tell you what you want to hear or tell you what you don't want to hear?”

The Biggest Secret

“It is important to realise that two conflicting statements can both be equally true depending on the level from which you observe the same situation.”

The Biggest Secret

“The list of brain-control techniques is long. They want your mind because when they get it, they get you. The solution is to get our minds back, to think for ourselves and for ourselves, and to allow others to do as we do without fear of ridicule or conviction.”

The Biggest Secret

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“When we give our minds and our responsibility away, we give our lives away. If enough of us do it, we give the world away and that is precisely what we have been doing throughout known human history. This is why the few have always controlled the masses. The only difference today is that the few are now manipulating the entire planet because of the globalisation of business, banking and communications. The foundation of that control has always been the same : keep the people in ignorance, fear and at war with themselves,. Divide, rule and conquer while keeping the most important knowledge to yourself.”

The Biggest Secret

“Whenever you have two groups who think violence is an option they are a vibrational confrontation waiting to happen.”

The Biggest Secret

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