Dean Radin Quotes
Best 60 Quotes by Dean Radin – Page 1 of 2
“It seems that intention, the mind’s will, can do things that — according to prevailing scientific theories — it isn’t supposed to be able to do.”
“The universe looks less like a big machine than a big thought.”
“There is every reason to expect that the same methods that gave us a better understanding of galaxies and genes will also shed light on experiences described by mystics throughout history.”
Entangled Minds Quotes
“What Warcollier demonstrated is compatible with what modern cognitive neuroscience has learned about how visual images are constructed by the brain. It implies that telepathic perceptions bubble up into awareness from the unconscious and are probably processed in the brain in the same way that we generate images in dreams. And thus telepathic 'images' are far less certain than sensory-driven images and subject to distortion.”
Imagination and the Noetic Quotes
“By investigating psychic phenomena using standard scientific methods, we (along with colleagues around the world) have found that our minds are not locked inside our skulls. Minds can also transcend the everyday limitations of space and time.
Psychic experiences are remarkably common. Surveys indicate that the majority of the world’s population have had one or more of these experiences. They remain a challenge to prevailing scientific models of reality because how we can gain information beyond space and time is a mystery, although leading edge theories in modern physics are beginning to provide clues.
Still, I sometimes encounter Skeptics who suffer from a condition I call IDS (Imagination Deficit Syndrome). Those with IDS assert that psychic experiences cannot exist, so they must be due to fraud, flaws, or one or more cognitive deficits. That’s as far as their imaginations allow.
The problem is that these phenomena have been studied in controlled laboratory experiments for over a century, amassing a huge empirical database in the process. We now know with high confidence that psychic phenomena are in fact real. While adequate explanations are still evasive, this is where imagination can save the day.
This puzzle will be solved not by blithely dismissing common experiences, but by using our imaginations to take 'noetic leaps' beyond today’s dogma to help us blaze trails in entirely new and exciting domains of knowledge.”
“The aspiration in science is to be critically open-minded about any claim, regardless of how outrageous the claim may appear to be.
Many scientists can manage the delicate balance between skepticism and open-mindedness, but others cannot.
These Skeptics (capital S, because they are oddly proud of their inability to think outside the box) are quick to loudly declare a claimed effect 'impossible'.
The history of science shows us that such declarations are almost always wrong, and they often arise out of a failure of imagination.”
“The universe is vast, and we have just begun to explore it. Closing off huge swaths of reality to investigation because it stretches the imagination is more than just a pity.
It threatens our very existence. If we cannot think ourselves out of a growing number of extinction events looming on our horizon, then we had better imagine a way to think outside those boxes. And soon.”
Real Magic Quotes
“Besides death and taxes, the one other universal truth is that bureaucracies never respond kindly to challenges to their authority. So there’s enormous societal pressure to suppress the reality of magic.”
“History lesson: it is advisable to think twice about annoying those in power.”
“Magic didn’t miraculously disappear with the rise of the scientific worldview. Magic is still intensely present.
Prayer is a form of intentional magic, a mental act intended to affect the world in some way. Wearing a sacred symbol is a form of sympathetic magic, a symbolic correspondence said to transcend time and space.
Many religious rituals are forms of ancient ceremonial magic. The abundance of popular books on the power of affirmations and positive thinking are all based on age-old magical principles.”
“Magic doesn’t mean 'no cause'. It just means that we haven’t yet developed scientifically acceptable theories to explain these effects.”
“Many scientific and scholarly disciplines are slowly coming around to the idea that consciousness is far more important than previously imagined. This shift of opinion, combined with the idea that reality is a form of information, provides a renewed appreciation of ancient esoteric legends about magic.
If we can get past the supernatural connotations, the religious figures in prohibitions, and the occult baggage, then through the scientific study of magic we have the potential to make rapid progress and gaining a better understanding of who and what we are.
If we can’t escape or pass, then we may be running headlong into extinction. Magic is real. Let’s deal with it.”
“One of the consequences of taking this inner perspective is that the idea of magic transforms from an impossible fantasy into an aspect of Nature that we can begin to study.
From this stance, terms such as paranormal and supernatural are seen as quaint and antediluvian, similar to how modern medicine no longer needs the concept of 'bad humors' when discussing the origins of disease.”
“Rabbi Moses ben Maimon (1135–1204, also known as Maimonides), put it: Every time you find in our books a tale the reality of which seems impossible, a story which is repugnant both to reason and common sense, then be sure that tale contains a profound allegory veiling a deeply mysterious truth and the greater the absurdity of the letter the deeper the wisdom of the spirit.”
“Reality viewed through the lens of science is an exceedingly thin slice of the whole shebang. Science is tightly focused on the objective, measurable, physical world.
That focus excludes the one and only thing you can ever know for sure — your consciousness.”
“The idea of the universe as an interconnected whole is not new; for millennia it's been one of the core assumptions of Eastern philosophies.
What is new is that Western science is slowly beginning to realize that some elements of that ancient lore might be correct.”
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“The scientist only imposes two things, namely truth and sincerity, imposes them upon himself and upon other scientists.”
“The new discipline will be the study of the psychophysical nature of reality, that mysterious, interstitial space shimmering between mind and matter.”
“What a lonely universe it would be if ultimately we are just robotic 'meat machines', playacting the appearance of reading to a mindless audience that isn’t even aware it is the audience.”
“Within the magical worldview everything is deeply interconnected, so if you intend to harm others, you are likely to end up harming yourself.”
Supernormal Quotes
“A miracle does not happen in contradiction to nature, but in contradiction to that which is known to us of nature.”
“Any number of controlled studies have demonstrated that when people are presented with facts that contradict their firmly held beliefs, they tend to ignore the facts; even more perversely, a sizable percentage of people will become more confirmed in their beliefs the more contravening facts you present.”
“Because the siddhis are so seductive, sages have repeatedly reminded us to calm down and not dwell on them, because ultimately these abilities are only a reflection of the holistic nature of the universe. In particular, they say nothing about one’s spiritual attainments.
Swami Rama explains: These powers have nothing to do with spirituality. Sometimes psychic powers develop; you start telling the fortunes of others, you start knowing things. These are all distractions. Do not allow them to obstruct your path.
Too many people, including swamis, have wasted time and energy on such distractions. Anyone who wants to develop siddhis can do so and can demonstrate certain supernatural feats; but enlightenment is an entirely different matter.”
“Beyond the fine points of how to properly interpret esoteric experiences, many mystical traditions also claim that there are methods one can use to develop a direct realization of these states.
According to psychiatrist and meditation researcher Roger Walsh: Comparison across traditions suggests that there are seven practices that are widely regarded as central and essential for effective transpersonal development.
These seven are an ethical lifestyle, redirecting motivation, transforming emotions, training attention, refining awareness, fostering wisdom, and practicing service to others.
Contemplative traditions posit that meditation is crucial to this developmental process because it facilitates several of these processes.
Modern physics has achieved its own version of the perennial philosophy through the development of quantum theory. While many workaday physicists shudder over popular misinterpretations of their precious mathematical models, the founders of quantum mechanics were keenly aware of the radical philosophical changes brought about by their new theory.
They wrote about it extensively, and most of them ended up sounding like full-blown mystics.”
“Clairaudience, through samyama on the area behind the ear.
This siddhi allows one to hear the 'conversations of the enlightened ones, the subtle mental conversations of others, the celestial music, and receive messages through the ether both awake or while asleep, as if they were spoken or whispered whether or not they exist through the medium of sound waves as such'.
In other words, this is a refined form of clairvoyance or clairaudience.”
“Everyday reality is just one provincial way of perceiving the world. There are others that are equally valid, and it’s in some of those worlds where the supernormal resides.”
“Facts don’t change minds as often as they confirm what the mind insists on believing. Therefore, the path from faith to facts is much more fragile than we like to think, and along the way are crouching adversaries — hidebound beliefs, stubborn biases, ad hominem attackers, skeptics who know in advance that X cannot be true, and the most elusive of adversaries, collective consciousness.
Mass opinion can stop an unwelcome fact in its tracks, which has happened for centuries when miracles, wonders, magic, and the paranormal have been too uncomfortable to confront.
Behind the cliché that you create your own reality there is a shadow: If you don’t create your own reality, it will be created for you.”
“For most people, psychic abilities manifest spontaneously and are rarely under conscious control. The experiences tend to be sporadic and fragmentary, and the most dramatic cases occur mainly during periods of extreme motivation.
By contrast, the siddhis are said to be highly reliable and under complete conscious control; as such they could be interpreted as exceedingly refined, well-cultivated forms of psychic phenomena.
The more advanced siddhis are said to include invisibility, levitation, invulnerability, and superstrength, abilities often associated with comic book superheroes. All these abilities are also described in one form or another in shamanism and in the mystical teachings of religions.”
“If the TM research was the only source of evidence suggesting that collective intentions can influence others at a distance, then that data would be interesting but concerns about their quasi-religious motivations would continue to simmer.
Fortunately, there are completely independent experiments, conducted in entirely secular contexts, showing similar effects. Before discussing those experiments, it is instructive to consider an individual case of the power of 'radiated nonviolence'.
Paul Ekman is a prominent American psychologist who pioneered the analysis of micromovements in facial expressions. In his 2008 book, Emotional Awareness, coauthored with the Dalai Lama, Ekman discussed how he was healed from a long-term problem with anger just by being in the presence of the Dalai Lama.
Ekman wrote: "I had a very strong physical sensation for which we do not have an English word — it comes closest to 'warmth', but there was no heat. It certainly felt very good, and like nothing I have felt before or after.
As a scientist, I cannot ignore what I experienced. I think the change that occurred within me started with that physical sensation. I think that what I experienced was — a non-scientific term — 'goodness'."
Every one of the other eight people I interviewed [who reported similar experiences] said they felt goodness; they felt it radiating and felt the same kind of warmth that I did. I have no idea what it is or how it happens, but it is not my imagination.
Though we do not have the tools to understand it, that does not mean it does not exist.
Astonished at his response to the presence of the Dalai Lama, Ekman continued to investigate this phenomenon, which he mentioned in a 2009 interview with psychologist David Van Nuys.
When asked about his as-yet unpublished study, he replied: The only thing that we carried to completion was a study of a single Buddhist monk, who’s been a monk for 32 years.
And what we were able to do is to identify the differences between different forms of meditation and its impact on his mental state, and we were also able to show the calming effect that his presence had in discussion with people who are normally or typically very aggressive.”
“In samyama one may focus on the processes of time, change, and transformation. The siddhi that arises is the simultaneous perception of the past, present, and the future.
The idea that the present contains the past is common knowledge; we call this memory. The idea that the present is also influenced by the future may seem odd, but this quasi-teleological concept is accommodated within today’s physics.
For example, in quantum theory the idea that the present is constrained by both the past and the future is respectable, but of greater importance, there is now experimental evidence supporting it, published in 2012 in the journal Nature Physics.
The originators of this concept are not mystics. They include physicist Yakir Aharonov, who was awarded the US National Medal of Science in 2010 and is regarded as one of the world’s leading quantum theorists.
The future influencing the present might sound strange, but practically everything seems strange the moment we step outside of the everyday world and probe either the inner depths or the outer limits of reality.
Likewise, the siddhis seem contrary to common sense only because they arise from depths of awareness that lie far beyond the common senses.”
“In the West the mere existence of psychic phenomena remains a contentious issue, despite persistent interest and popular belief. There are a number of reasons for this chronic tension.
On the religious side, within the Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions, only God (or those he appoints) is allowed to perform miracles. Ordinary folks who perform such feats are considered suspect (by theists) if they’re lucky and heretical if they’re not.
And on the scientific side, there is a widely held (but incorrect, as we’ll see) assumption that these phenomena cannot exist because they violate one or more scientific principles.”
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