Phil McGraw Quotes Page 2


Best 60 Quotes by Phil McGraw – Page 2 of 2

“People have the right to think and say whatever they want to. But you have the right not to take it to heart, and not to react.”

“Relationships are negotiated and if you deal with ultimatums and authority all the time, then you're not going to get anywhere.”

“Sometimes you just got to give yourself what you wish someone else would give you.”

“Sometimes you make the right decision, sometimes you make the decision right.”

“Successful weight loss takes programming, not willpower.”

“Take it from a guy: If you're in love with somebody, you will swim the stream, you will climb the mountain, you will slay the dragon. You're going to get to her somehow, some way.”

“The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior; so you have got to create a new history.”

“The difference between winners and losers is that winners do things losers don't want to do.”

“The most you get is what you ask for.”

“The people change, the common denominator is you.”

“The problem is that for women, the average time is just over 14 minutes... Men are left with about 12 minutes during which time they need to think of something to do!”

“There is no reality, only perception.”

“There is nothing wrong with your marriage if you're dealing with bills and kids and the broken garbage disposal and in-laws and work demands. That's a normal marriage.”

“There is power in forgiveness.”

“There's a big difference between falling in love and being in love. There's a big difference between infatuation and falling in love.”

“We all have a social mask, right? We put it on, we go out, put our best foot forward, our best image.

But behind that social mask is a personal truth, what we really, really believe about who we are and what we're capable of.”

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“Much of what is today called "social criticism" consists of members of the upper classes denouncing the tastes of the lower classes (bawdy entertainment, fast food, plentiful consumer goods) while considering themselves egalitarians.”

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“We teach people how to treat us.”

“Well, let me tell you, if you're 45, had three children and are post-menopausal, you're not going to weigh what you did the day you graduated from high school.

Get that out of your head. That's a media-driven ideal that you're never going to healthfully obtain.”

“When I was practicing psychology, I used to tell myself if I ever get to where I'm just doing this for the money or I'm just going through the motions, I'll quit.”

“When you allow a person’s words to upset you, you’re giving away your power.”

“When you get married, your loyalty, first and foremost, is to your spouse, and to the family that you create together.”

“You are so much more than what people have done to you, and to let that define you would be a tragedy.”

“You cannot change what you do not acknowledge.”

“You create your own experience.”

“You don't need a pack of wild horses to learn how to make a sandwich.”

“You don't need a rope to pinch a stranger's butt.”

“You have to name it before you can claim it.”

“You know, what we do know is that there is a high frequency of violence in the home of those who bully.”

“You need to listen to your body because your body is listening to you.”

“You're only lonely if you're not there for you.”

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“Expect great things to happen to you, even in the midst of trouble.”

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