Edward de Bono Quotes

Best Six Thinking Hats Quotes by Edward de Bono

Six Thinking Hats Quotes

“Creativity involves provocation, exploration and risk taking. Creativity involves 'thought experiments.' You cannot tell in advance how the experiment is going to turn out. But you want to be able to carry out the experiment.”

Six Thinking Hats

“Real life, however, is very different from school sums. There is usually more than one answer. Some answers are much better than others: they cost less, are more reliable or are more easy to implement. There is no reason at all for supposing that the first answer has to be the best one.”

Six Thinking Hats

“We may have a perfectly adequate way of doing something, but that does not mean there cannot be a better way. So we set out to find an alternative way. This is the basis of any improvement that is not fault correction or problem solving.”

Six Thinking Hats

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“Doubt each old thing you know. Require current evidence. Make it prove itself to be true today. Otherwise, let it go.”

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