E.E. Doc Smith Quotes
Best 11 Quotes by E.E. Doc Smith
Children of the Lens Quotes
“That you can now be called adult does not mean you have achieved your full power, only that you are able to acquire other and larger powers.”
Galactic Patrol Quotes
“It's a much better technique to learn things among friends than enemies.”
“The witnesses may be excused. Truth is the only thing of importance here, and witnesses, being human and therefore frail, obstruct truth more frequently than they further its progress.”
Gray Lensman Quotes
“A man swears to keep from crying, a woman cries to keep from swearing.”
“I know they shot first, they always do, but how does that change things?”
“If any one of you will concentrate upon one single fact, or small object, such as a pebble or the seed of a plant or other creature, for as short a period of time as one hundred of your years, you will begin to perceive its truth.”
Second Stage Lensmen Quotes
“How could he explain beauty, or music, or art, to this . . . this matriarchal savage? How explain cerise to a man born blind? And above all, who had ever heard of having to explain to a woman—to any woman, anywhere in the whole macrocosmic universe—that she in particular was beautiful?”
“It has been argued that sexual equality is the most important criterion of that which we know as civilization.”
“Working hypotheses, young man, must be based upon accurately determined facts; not upon mere guesses, superstitions, or figments of personal prejudices.”
Triplanetary Quotes
“Absolute authority will be delegated. Full responsibility will be assumed. Those who succeed will receive advancement and satisfaction of desire. Those who fail will die.”
“Because America, being a democracy, could not strike first, but had to wait—wait in instant readiness—until she was actually attacked.”
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“There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done, there are thousands to prophesy failure. There are thousands to point out to you, one by one, the dangers that await to assail you. But just buckle in with a bit of a grin, just take off your coat and go to it; just start to sing as you tackle the thing that "cannot be done," and you'll do it.”