Eli David Quotes


Best 46 Twitter post Quotes by Eli David – Page 1 of 2

Twitter post Quotes

“A state of emergency that lasts three years is not a state of emergency. It's hostile takeover.”

Twitter post

“Abortions: my body my choice
Vaccines: your body my choice”

Twitter post

“Above all, Covid showed how gullible human being are, and how easily they believe propaganda.”

Twitter post

“Bill Gates warned that Elon Musk could make misinformation on Twitter worse, right after he said Covid comes from bats and it spreads because of climate change.”

Twitter post

“Conspiracy theorists used to be wrong on everything, and it was fun to laugh at them. But now they are right on almost everything. It's no longer fun...”

Twitter post

“Covid helped us see that so many seemingly educated people are in fact idiots.”

Twitter post

“Covid is a deadly pandemic. It killed science, logic, evidence-based medicine, and common sense.”

Twitter post

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Covid is not a respiratory pandemic. It is a neurological pandemic. It permanently disables critical thinking parts of the brain.”

Twitter post

“Covid wasn't a pandemic, it was an IQ test. And most 'experts' failed the test.”

Twitter post

“Covidophobia (noun): Fear of Covid, a widespread mental illness.”

Twitter post

“Dear 'fully vaxxed and boostered' friends: By now you all know that you've been lied to about everything: efficacy, safety, prevention, and transmission. You should be angry with the 'experts' who lied to you, not us who warned you and ended up being correct on everything.”

Twitter post

“Experts say you should get a Covid booster.
Experts say you should wear masks.
Experts say you should avoid egg and meat.
Experts say you should eat soy and insects.

The secret to a healthy life seems to be doing the exact opposite of what experts say.”

Twitter post

“FDA and CDC announced they will officially investigate the connection between Covid vaccines and strokes. They admit there are too many reports of people suffering a stroke after getting the shot.”

Twitter post

“For the first time in history, the inefficacy of a drug is blamed on those who didn't take it.”

Twitter post

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Fun fact: In a single flight Bill Gates' private jet emits more carbon than your car during your entire lifetime.”

Twitter post

“How it started:
A battle against the pandemic to protect the people.

How it's going:
A battle against the people to protect the pandemic.”

Twitter post

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“Once you start hearing about all the things people do and don’t do, use and don’t use, couldn’t live with or without, standards of normalcy fade. Then you can focus on what actually matters to you.”

More quotes by James Hamblin

“I got Covid shots in 2021, because I believed the claimed clinical trial results, and trusted the FDA. But looking at mountains of evidence since, I no longer think I made the right decision. These shots are much more dangerous and much less effective than claimed.”

Twitter post

“I identify as a conspiracy theorist. My pronouns are Told/You/So.”

Twitter post

“I used to trust health authorities. I was aware of conflicts of interest, but thought they add just a small bias.

The past two years showed how wrong I was. Today my trust level is so low that if CDC says smoking is unhealthy, I'll have to check the data myself to believe them.”

Twitter post

“I'm trying to follow science, but it keeps leading me back to the money behind the science...”

Twitter post

“If masks work, then why don't they work?
If Covid vaccines work, then why don't they work?”

Twitter post

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“If one 'expert' says it's raining and the other says it's sunny, your job is to ignore them both and instead look out the f*cking window.”

Twitter post

“If you believe cloth masks protect against respiratory viruses, I've got a bridge to sell you.”

Twitter post

“If you follow the science, it will lead you to bank accounts of many experts.”

Twitter post

“In North Korea doctors are only allowed to express opinions approved by the Ministry of Truth, otherwise their license will be revoked.

Sorry for the typo, it's California, not North Korea.”

Twitter post

“It's OK for them to ask for our booster certificate to let us into a restaurant, but not OK if we ask them about their booster after a sudden heart attack? ”

Twitter post

“Let's not forget that a year ago you could get suspended for writing that the vaccinated also catch Covid.”

Twitter post

“Masks had zero efficacy in preventing Covid. And mask mandates outdoors were the greatest stupidity in human history.”

Twitter post

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“My friends and colleagues tell me to move on. "Don't dwell on the past", they say.

But if we don't hold accountable those who brought us the Covid catastrophe, and destroyed millions of lives and livelihoods, we will be doomed to repeating this again and again.”

Twitter post

“My gas stove identifies as an electric stove.”

Twitter post

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“Even in Hitler’s Germany you could cross the Alps into Switzerland, you could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did.”

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