Éliphas Lévi Quotes

Best The History of Magic Quotes by Éliphas Lévi

The History of Magic Quotes

“Christianity has been wrongly accused of taking over all that was beautiful in anterior forms of worship; it is the last transfiguration of universal orthodoxy, and as such it has preserved whatsoever belonged to it, while rejecting dangerous practices and idle superstitions.”

The History of Magic

“Makers of curious experiments in phenomena of extranatural vision are no better than the eaters of opium and hasheesh. They are children who injure themselves recklessly.”

The History of Magic

“When you love you don't reason. When you reason, it seems that you don't love yourself.

When one reasons after having loved, one understands why she loved herself. When you love after reasoning, you love better. Here is the path of the progress of souls.”

The History of Magic

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