Ernest Holmes Quotes
Books by Ernest Holmes
Best 20 The Science of Mind Quotes by Ernest Holmes
The Science of Mind Quotes
“A definite statement is an active, conscious, aggressive, mental movement and in such degree as it embodies an idea – and there is no longer anything in our minds which denies the idea – it will take form, because it now becomes a part of the low and order of the Universe in which we live.”
“All law must be subjective; the soil knows how to take a seed and make a plant from it; it does not know whether it is making a tomato or a potato...It knows how to create without knowing what It creates.”
“Anything that will enable us to express greater life, greater happiness, greater power--so long as it does not harm anyone--must be the Will of God for us.”
“As he learns the Truth, the Truth will automatically free him.”
“Does this thing I wish to do express more life, more happiness, more peace to myself, and at the same time harm no one? If it does, it is right. It is not selfish.”
“Electricity was a reality in the universe when Moses led the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt. This is true of all natural laws; they have always existed but only when understood may they be used.”
“I am a center in the Divine Mind, a point of God-conscious life, truth and action. My affairs are divinely guided and guarded into right action, into correct results. Everything I do, say or think, is stimulated by the Truth. There is power in this word that I speak, because it is of the Truth and it is the Truth. There is perfect and continuous right action in my life and my affairs. All belief in wrong action is dispelled and made negative. Right action alone has power and right action is power, and Power is God... the Living Spirit Almighty. This Spirit animates everything that I do, say or think. Ideas come to me daily and these ideas are divine ideas. They direct me and sustain me without effort. I am continuously directed. I am compelled to do the right thing at the right time, to say the right word at the right time, to follow the right course at all times. “All suggestion of age, poverty, limitation or unhappiness is uprooted from my mind and cannot gain entrance to my thought. I am happy, well and filled with perfect Life. I live in the Spirit of Truth and am conscious that the Spirit of Truth lives in me. My word is the law unto its own manifestation, and will bring to me or cause me to be brought to its fulfillment. There is no unbelief, no doubt, no uncertainty. I know and I know that I know. Let every thought of doubt vanish from my mind that I may know the Truth and the Truth may make me free.”
“If one sees only unloveliness in others, it is because unloveliness is a strong element in himself. The light he throws on others is generated in his own soul and sees them as he chooses to see them.”
“It should be considered right to live and enjoy living. To be well, happy, and to express freedom, is to be in accord with Divine Law and Wisdom.”
“Let us waste no further time looking for the secret of success or the key to happiness. Already the door is open and whosoever will may enter.”
“Love rules through Law. Love is the Divine Givingness; Law is the Way. Love is spontaneous; Law is impersonal...Love points the way and Law makes the way possible.”
“Nature operates according to a law of logical sequence.”
“No man can demonstrate peace and cling to unhappiness.”
“The more power one gives to his thought--the more completely he believes that his thought has power--the more power will it have.”
Products by Ernest Holmes
“The principle of any science is invisible, theoretical, as is our idea of Spirit. No one has seen God; no one has seen Life; what we have seen is the manifestation of Life. No one has seen Intelligence; we experience it. No one has ever seen Causation; we can see what It does, we deal with Its effects. We do not see Beauty. The artist feels beauty and depicts it as best he can, and the result of his effort is what we call the beautiful...We do not see Life, we experience living. Causation is invisible.”
“The road to freedom lies, not through mysteries or occult performances, but through the intelligent use of Nature's forces and laws. The Law of Mind is a natural law in the spiritual world.”
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“A man has to learn that he cannot command things, but that he can command himself; that he cannot coerce the wills of others, but that he can mold and master his own will: and things serve him who serves Truth; people seek guidance of him who is master of himself.”
“There is no limit to the Law, but there appears to be a limit to man's understanding of It.”
“There is one power in the Universe and we can all use it.”
“There should not be any sense of hurry or worry about this, just a calm, peaceful sense of reality. Let the Law work though, and express Itself in, the experience.”
“Turn entirely from the condition, or the limited situation, to its opposite, that is, to the realization of health, happiness or harmony.”
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Ernest Holmes Sources
- All quotes by Ernest Holmes (58 quotes)
- 365 Science of Mind (11 quotes)
- Creative Mind and Success (2 quotes)
- Daily Meditations for Self Help and Healing (1 quote)
- Discover a Richer Life (1 quote)
- Ernest Holmes (3 quotes)
- Freedom from Stress, The Art and Science of Creative Thinking (2 quotes)
- Living the Science of Mind (3 quotes)
- Science of the Mind (1 quote)
- The Art of Life (1 quote)
- The Philosophy of Jesus (2 quotes)
- The Science of Mind (20 quotes)
- This Thing Called You (1 quote)
- Other quotes by Ernest Holmes (10 quotes)