Ernie J. Zelinski Quotes Page 5


Best 124 Quotes by Ernie J. Zelinski – Page 5 of 5

The Joy of Not Working Quotes

“Don’t get stuck in your beliefs. Only the foolish and the dead don’t change. Rigid thinking limits your ability to see things in a different light.”

The Joy of Not Working

“The creative shortcut to success is to define success in your own way.”

The Joy of Not Working

“The universe defies you to answer the following questions: What good is a high paying career if it leaves you continually stressed out and miserable? What good is owning a large stately house if the only time you spend in it is when you sleep in it? What good is having a lot of interesting possessions if you never have the free time to enjoy them? Above all, what good is having a family if you seldom see any of its members?”

The Joy of Not Working

“We can change the quality of our lives by changing the context in which we view our circumstances.”

The Joy of Not Working

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