Erwin Raphael McManus Quotes Page 3


Best 74 Quotes by Erwin Raphael McManus – Page 3 of 3

The Way of the Warrior Quotes

“The warrior does not need a crowd; they need a tribe.”

The Way of the Warrior

“The warrior has peace of mind because they know that there is always a way to find light, even in the midst of the greatest darkness. They know that there is always hope to be found, even in despair. Peace can exist in the midst of turmoil only if you believe in the beauty of the future. Peace sees the beauty everywhere. When you walk in peace, you are overwhelmed by the wonder of the universe and the beauty of life.”

The Way of the Warrior

“The warrior knows that their imagination is not a place to escape but to create.”

The Way of the Warrior

“The warrior remembers but does not look back. The future is coming from only one direction and that’s forward. The warrior has learned that if their mind is lost in the past, they will lose their future.”

The Way of the Warrior

“The warrior trains their mind to know the good and beautiful and true.”

The Way of the Warrior

“The way we store energy is through our desires, values, passions, hopes, dreams, and aspirations, and ultimately our greatest capacity for energy storage is through what we love.”

The Way of the Warrior

“To blame others is an act of cowardice. We blame in an attempt to hide our shame. This is not the way of the warrior. The warrior understands that to blame is not simply an abdication of responsibility but a relinquishing of power. You cannot change what you do not take responsibility for.”

The Way of the Warrior

“We do not see the world as it is; we see the world as we are.”

The Way of the Warrior

“We do not see the world as it is; we see the world as we are. A heart filled with violence will never see a world filled with peace. You can bring hope only if you have found hope.”

The Way of the Warrior

“We will never know peace if we lose the present because we are trapped in the past and paralyzed by the future.”

The Way of the Warrior

Uprising Quotes

“Attitude is an accurate monitor of where we fall on the spectrum of pride and humility.”


“The first and most important step in the process of becoming genuinely is to be once again authenticated by the original designer.”


“To be apathetic is literally to be without passion.”


“You were created to be free.”


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