Eugène Delacroix Quotes


Best 46 Quotes by Eugène Delacroix – Page 1 of 2

“A taste for simplicity cannot endure for long.”

“Do all the work you can; that is the whole philosophy of the good way of life.”

“Do not be troubled for a language, cultivate your soul and she will show herself.”

“Draftsmen may be made, but colorists are born.”

“Each of the beings necessary to our existence who disappears takes away with him a whole world of feelings that no other relationship can revive.”

“If one considered life as a simple loan, one would perhaps be less exacting. We possess actually nothing; everything goes through us.”

“Men of genius are made not by new ideas, but by an idea which possesses them, namely, that what has been said has not yet been sufficiently said.”

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Music is the pleasure of the imagination.”

“Nature creates unity even in the parts of a whole.”

“Nature is a dictionary; one draws words from it.”

“Of which beauty will you speak? There are many: there are a thousand: there is one for every look, for every spirit, adapted to each taste, to each particular constitution.”

“Talent does whatever it wants to do. Genius does only what it can.”

“The artist who aims at perfection in everything achieves it in nothing.”

“The Natural History Museum is open to the public on Tuesdays and Fridays. Elephant, rhinoceros, hippopotamus; extraordinary animals! Rubens rendered them marvelously. I had a feeling of happiness as soon as I entered the place and the further I went the stronger it grew. I felt my whole being rise above commonplaces and trivialities and the petty worries of my daily life. What an immense variety of animals and species of different shapes and functions!”

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“The outcome of my days is always the same; an infinite desire for what one never gets; a void one cannot fill; an utter yearning to produce in all ways, to battle against time that drags us along, and the distractions that throw a veil over our sou. One works not only to produce art but to give value to time.”

“What drives men of genius is their obsession with the idea that what has already been done is not good enough.”

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“What moves those of genius, what inspires their work, is not new ideas, but their obsession with the idea that what has already been said is still not enough.”

The Journal of Eugene Delacroix Quotes

“A mere cast taken from nature will always be more real than the best copy a man can produce, for can anyone conceive that an artist’s hand is not guided by his mind…his strange task will not be tinged with the colour of his spirit? For the word realism to have any meaning all men would need to be of the same mind and to conceive things in the same way. For what is the supreme purpose of every form of art if it be not the effect?”

The Journal of Eugene Delacroix

“Artists who seek perfection in everything are those who cannot attain it in anything.”

The Journal of Eugene Delacroix

“Authorities are the ruination of great talents, and form almost the entire talent of mediocrities. They are the leading strings with which everyone learns to walk at the beginning of their careers, but they almost always leave a permanent mark. People like Ingres never get them out of their systems and never take a step without invoking their help. It is as though they wished to eat bread and milk all their lives (Monday 10th October 1853)”

The Journal of Eugene Delacroix

“Beavers will invent a new way of building dams before architects accept a new method or a new style in their art.”

The Journal of Eugene Delacroix

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Before you begin, study unceasingly, but once started, make mistake if you must but you must execute freely.”

The Journal of Eugene Delacroix

“By keeping a record of my experiences I live my life twice over. The past returns to me. The future is always with me.”

The Journal of Eugene Delacroix

“By what sad fatality can man never enjoy at the same time all the faculties of his nature, all the perfections of which it is only susceptible at different ages?”

The Journal of Eugene Delacroix

“Even when we look at nature, our imagination constructs the picture.”

The Journal of Eugene Delacroix

“Everything tell me that I need to live a more solitary life. The loveliest and most precious moments of my life are slipping away in amusements which, in truth, bring me nothing but boredom.”

The Journal of Eugene Delacroix

“Fine works of art would never become dated if they contained nothing but genuine feeling. The language of the emotions and the impulses of the human heart never change.”

The Journal of Eugene Delacroix

“He is like everyone else, a compound of strange and inexplicable contrasts, and this is what the writers of novels and plays will never understand; they make their characters all of a piece. But people are not like that. There may be ten different people in one man, and sometimes all ten appear within a single hour.”

The Journal of Eugene Delacroix

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“How strange painting is, it delights us with representations of objects that are not pleasing in themselves!”

The Journal of Eugene Delacroix

“Human beings are so strangely constructed that they often find consolation and even happiness in misfortune (for instance, when ones is unjustly persecuted, the comfort of knowing that one deserves a better fate), but it far more happens that a man will be bored by prosperity and even think himself supremely miserable.”

The Journal of Eugene Delacroix

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