Eva Vlaardingerbroek Quotes


Best 48 Quotes by Eva Vlaardingerbroek – Page 1 of 2

“We were, historically speaking, the country of free speech, free press...

But that spirit has very much disappeared from the minds of politicians.”

Twitter post Quotes

“At no point in time during the 'pandemic' was there ever a justification for the tyrannical mandates that were put – and still are – in place. Accountability for all the damage done must follow.”

Twitter post

“Belgium is a failed state.”

Twitter post

“Create the disease, sell the ‘cure’. That’s their modus operandi.”

Twitter post

“Degeneracy kills.”

Twitter post

“Despite the huge demographic change due to mass migration, 86.3% of the German population is still white.

You wouldn’t know if you look at TV shows or commercials though. White women are being erased.”

Twitter post

“Dr. Malone is a brilliant scientist and freedom fighter who relentlessly pushes for the truth despite being continuously vilified by some of the most powerful actors in this world. He deserves our full support.”

Twitter post

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Got 99 problems but myocarditis ain’t one.”

Twitter post

“I’m against vaxx mandates, because it’s my body, so my choice. Not the government’s.

I’m pro-life, because the unborn life is a separate human being; and suggesting otherwise is both intellectually & morally dishonest. It is not my body, therefore it is not my choice.


Twitter post

“I’m so disappointed in Giorgia Meloni. Despite her being a WEF member, I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt when she became Prime Minister of Italy – turned out that was a mistake.

Before she got in power, I listened to her speak passionately about her being a proud Christian, mother and Italian, standing up against the globalists. She was fiery and made big promises about stopping mass migration. Ones she seemed serious about keeping.

But so far, she hasn’t delivered at all. From the first day she’s been in power, she’s done nothing but sucking up to Zelensky and the EU bureaucrats.

She didn’t install any of the 'sea blockades' that she promised while campaigning. Instead she just went to Tunisia to make a fake deal about migration with Mark Rutte and Ursula von der Leyen. It’s all window dressing.

It’s a disgrace how spineless she’s been: Empty rhetorics, zero results.”

Twitter post

“If you want to do a good deed today, go and tell all the women in your life to get off of birth control.”

Twitter post

“It deeply bothers me how three years ago, one of the most iconic Cathedrals in Europe, the Notre-Dame of Paris, nearly went up in flames and for some ‘inexplicable’ reason we never got a definitive answer as to what (or who) caused the fire.”

Twitter post

“It’s a mistake to think people acted ‘out of character’ during the ‘pandemic’. They didn’t. Most simply revealed their true nature, which is evil and/or weak. We have to acknowledge that painful truth, otherwise we won’t ever be able to prevent this from happening again.”

Twitter post

“It’s time for another unvaccinated, chemical sunscreen free, seed oil disrespecting, sundress wearing, white girl summer.”

Twitter post

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Mass migration is one of the most powerful tools used to destabilise European nations.

The strategy is to divide and conquer, and because Europe is filled with demoralized wimps, nothing ever changes.

We just stand by and watch as our children are being stabbed in parks.”

Twitter post

“Most women’s magazines nowadays are degenerate, subversive and full of gossip.”

Twitter post

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“It is clear that climate change is a scam.”

More quotes by Malcolm Roberts

“Never forgive, never forget.”

Twitter post

“On average, two Churches get targeted/destroyed every week in France.”

Twitter post

“Out of the three Transcendentals (Truth, Goodness and Beauty), Truth is indisputably the most important one; because nothing can truly be good and nothing can truly be beautiful if it isn’t true.”

Twitter post

“Pregnant women get told they can't eat certain cheeses because those are deemed too high of a risk, yet the entire (medical) establishment coerced them into taking novel mRNA therapy that caused 58% of the women who were pregnant in the Pfizer trials to miscarriage.”

Twitter post

“Reject globalism, embrace God!”

Twitter post

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“So statues of historical figures who made meaningful contributions to our civilisation are torn down because they’re white and male and instead we’re erecting 4 meter tall statues of nondescript black women in tracksuits because they’re black and female.

I truly despise our time.”

Twitter post

“The alarmist reddening of weather maps is a perfect visualisation of how 5th generational warfare works.

We’re dealing with an information war and the battlefield is our mind.”

Twitter post

“The governments know exactly why so many people all over the world are ‘suddenly dying’. That’s why they’re actively trying to withhold the data and censor the truth. But the long stringy blood cloths in the bodies of the vaccinated do not lie.”

Twitter post

“The majority of people who got the mRNA shots would rather continue to make excuses, than to admit they fell for the largest medical scam in history. No matter how much evidence they get presented with, the cognitive dissonance is just too strong.

To those of you who took the shot because you felt forced and now regret it: I’m not condemning you. Admitting you were lied to is an admirable thing to do. The ones I condemn are our governments who tried to pit us against each other and those who listen(ed) to them.”

Twitter post

“The modern obsession with everything ‘trans’ - be it Transhumanism or Transgenderism - stems from the fact that people have lost sight of the Transcendental.

When unhappy with one’s self (the human condition), one doesn’t look up to God for answers anymore, but instead tries to find answers within, where they’ll never find them.

You won’t find answers to the fundamental questions of life in your mortal body. The answers are found in your immortal soul and your relationship to Christ.”

Twitter post

“There are two types of evil people in this world: people who do evil things and people who see evil things being done and do nothing to stop it.

Fun fact: this seemingly biblical truth comes straight out of the movie 'Mean Girls'.”

Twitter post

“There is no such thing as your truth or my truth. I can have my opinion and you can have yours, but there is only one Truth.

The biggest difference between conservatives and liberals is exactly that. We acknowledge the existence of objective truth, whereas liberals reject it.”

Twitter post

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“There is nothing more narcissistic, degenerate and evil to me than people who propagate abortion or not having children because of ‘climate change’ or ‘the current state of the world’.

If you think your life is ‘hard’ or the world is too ‘unfair’ to bring a child into it, think for one damn second about the lives our ancestors lived and how it never even would have crossed their minds to kill their own babies for a second.

Get a grip, you weak minded morons.”

Twitter post

“There is only one thing worse than leftists and that's 'conservatives' trying to get in the left's good graces.”

Twitter post

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“Birth control pills will not balance your hormones or cure you of your problems.

It will completely change your personality, make you attracted to feminine men, destroy your body's natural stress response and more.”

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