Felix Dennis Quotes Page 3


Best 78 Quotes by Felix Dennis – Page 3 of 3

How to Get Rich Quotes

“Money is color-blind, race-blind, sex-blind, degree-blind, and couldn't care less who brought you up or in what circumstances.”

How to Get Rich

“One thing is for sure, you must avoid the trap of going into what you think will make you money if you have no empathy or feeling for what you are about to do. There’s no future in that.”

How to Get Rich

“Ownership isn’t the important thing. If you want to be rich, it’s the only thing.”

How to Get Rich

“People who grow rich almost always improve their sex life. More people want to have sex with them. That's just the way human beings work. Money is power. Power is an aphrodisiac. Money did not make me happy. But it definitely improved my sex life.”

How to Get Rich

“Sell early. Real money rarely comes from horsing around running an asset-laden business if you are an entrepreneur. You are not a manager, remember? You are trying to get rich. Whenever the chance comes to sell an asset at the top of its value, do so. Things do not keep increasing in value for ever. Get out while the going is good and move on to the next venture. More money is usually lost holding onto an asset than is made waiting for the zenith of its value. I should know – it’s my own biggest defect.”

How to Get Rich

“Sometimes, to ensure that a talented individual will work for you, or will stay working with you, you need to be flexible. Money is not always the great motivator here. Talented people want a good salary, of course, but surprisingly often they are more attracted to new opportunities and challenges.”

How to Get Rich

“Stupid people are easy to hire.”

How to Get Rich

“The ability to sell is usually nothing more than a talent for hype and keeping a straight face as you demand a fifty times markup from potential buyers who wouldn’t know a Damien Hirst from a pickled sardine.”

How to Get Rich

“There are many clever, cunning and adept people who are risk averse. You are not risk averse because you are dedicated to becoming rich.”

How to Get Rich

“Time is the only thing we cannot replace, apart from our health and our lives. I resent wasting a moment of it.”

How to Get Rich

“To become rich you must be an owner. And you must try to own it all. You must strive with every fibre of your being, while recognising the idiocy of your behaviour, to own and retain control of as near to 100 per cent of any company as you can. If that is not possible, in a public company, for example, then you must be prepared to make yourself hated by those around you who are also trying to be rich. That is the dirty, rotten little secret of it all, my friend.”

How to Get Rich

“Why would clever, cunning and adept people work for a mug like you? Simple. There are many clever, cunning and adept people who are risk averse. You are not risk averse because you are dedicated to becoming rich. Believe it or not, much, much cleverer people than you will come and work for you if you ask them.”

How to Get Rich

“You do not need to be clever. You do not even need to be that adept. You need only a little cunning and massive determination to become rich. Providing you can pay much cleverer but risk-averse people properly, and promote them and lead them in such a way that they are all rowing in the same direction, they will sign on to your little ship.”

How to Get Rich

“You have an advantage that neither education nor upbringing can buy - you have almost nothing. And therefore you have almost nothing to lose.”

How to Get Rich

The Narrow Road Quotes

“Good ideas are like Nike sports shoes. They may facilitate success for an athlete who possesses them, but on their own they are nothing but an overpriced pair of sneakers. Sports shoes don't win races. Athletes do.”

The Narrow Road

“If you are unwilling to fail, sometimes publicly and even catastrophically, you will never be rich.”

The Narrow Road

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“We all have the ability to impact some aspect of our lives and build from this foundation.”

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“Overhead will eat you alive if not constantly viewed as a parasite to be exterminated. Never mind the bleating of those you employ. Hold out until mutiny is imminent before employing even a single additional member of staff. More start-ups are wrecked by overstaffing than by any other cause, bar failure to monitor cash flow.”

The Narrow Road

“Very, very few entrepreneurs who accept a 51 percent partner in a new venture will get rich if they are also expected to run it. Control is mandatory.”

The Narrow Road