Gad Saad Quotes

Best 8 The Consuming Instinct Quotes by Gad Saad

The Consuming Instinct Quotes

“An infinite advertising budget cannot counteract products that are disconnected from our biological heritage.”

The Consuming Instinct

“Hope is an elixir of life. It is the engine that propels us forward in our pursuit of countless goals, all of which might otherwise be impossible to undertake if we were bereft of hope.”

The Consuming Instinct

“Humans have an evolved capacity to engage in self-deception in order to navigate through life in a delusional state of blissful ignorance.”

The Consuming Instinct

“I have seldom heard people engaging in deep intellectual conversations. Most chats are either about mundane life decisions or juicy gossip.”

The Consuming Instinct

“Litterature provides us with the opportunity to escape into fictional worlds that are ultimately rooted in human universals shaped by common biological forces.”

The Consuming Instinct

“Roughly 90 percent of songs have mating as their central theme, and this holds true regardless of cultural setting or historical period.”

The Consuming Instinct

“The 'us versus them' mindset coupled with our social nature implies that we have an innate need to belong to clearly defined in-groups.”

The Consuming Instinct

“The desperate need to belong is perhaps never as great as during adolescence. Advertisers seek to communicate with teenagers by frequently using that powerful appeal.”

The Consuming Instinct

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“Hence the strategic importance of imagination: for the five senses, there is only the here and now, the concrete case, the immediate data; for thought, there is only the concept, the general, the scheme of schemes, increasingly rarefied and universal. Without imaginative mediation, these two cognitive faculties would be separated by an abyss. Man would perhaps have sensations like a rabbit; and maybe even inside he was thinking something, like a computer; but he could not think about what he actually feels, that is, reason about lived experience; nor could he, on the other hand, guide experience by reasoning, seeking new knowledge. It would be as efficient as a computer operated by a rabbit, and as alive as a rabbit drawn on a computer screen.”

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