Gary Taubes Quotes

Best 10 Quotes by Gary Taubes

Good Calories, Bad Calories Quotes

“As for women, if anything, the higher their cholesterol, the longer they lived.”

Good Calories, Bad Calories

“Ignoring difficulties is a poor way of solving them.”

Good Calories, Bad Calories

“The laboratory evidence that carbohydrate-rich diets can cause the body to retain water and so raise blood pressure, just as salt consumption is supposed to do, dates back well over a century.”

Good Calories, Bad Calories

“The salient question is whether the increasing awareness of heart disease beginning in the 1920s coincided with the budding of an epidemic or simply better technology for diagnosis.”

Good Calories, Bad Calories

“The scientific obligation is first to establish the cause of the disease beyond reasonable doubt.”

Good Calories, Bad Calories

“There is no scientifically justifiable reason — or evidence — to assume that the obese are any more defective in character or behavior.”

Good Calories, Bad Calories

Why We Get Fat Quotes

“The most fattening foods are the ones that have the greatest effect on our blood sugar and insulin levels.”

Why We Get Fat

“The point to keep in mind is that you don't lose fat because you cut calories; you lose fat because you cut out the foods that make you fat – the carbohydrates.”

Why We Get Fat

“The simple answer as to why we get fat is that carbohydrates make us so; protein and fat do not.”

Why We Get Fat

“We don't get fat because we overeat; we overeat because we're getting fat.”

Why We Get Fat

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“Nor the egg making you fat – it’s the carbs! The carbs cause high levels of insulin which steer both carbs and fat (and protein) into your fat cells.”

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