Geoffrey Chaucer Quotes

Best Troilus and Criseyde Quotes by Geoffrey Chaucer

Troilus and Criseyde Quotes

“And after winter folweth grene May.”

Troilus and Criseyde

“Men may the wise atrenne, and naught atrede.”

Troilus and Criseyde

“The harm that’s in the world now as often comes through folly as through malice.”

Troilus and Criseyde

“Thus in this heaven he took his delight And smothered her with kisses upon kisses Till gradually he came to know where bliss is.”

Troilus and Criseyde

“Woe to him who is alone, since, if he falls, he has no help to rise.”

Troilus and Criseyde

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“My soul, be satisfied with flowers,
With fruit, with weeds even; but gather them
In the one garden you may call your own.”

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