George Lincoln Rockwell Quotes

Best 7 Quotes by George Lincoln Rockwell

“I wrote to a Jewish magazine a made up story about Nazis and human experiments on Jews, just to see if they would publish it.

What did they do? They published it but also added fake pictures to it.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, once you notice the truth you never can forget it.”

“Sooner or later, the Jews will finally cross the borderline of American patience as they have done all throughout their history.

When they do, the reaction of the American white man will make the Jews get on their knees and pray for Adolf Hitler to save them.”

“The fact that communism and race mixing are Jewish operations is suppressed by the press. You can't get that information out.”

“The only thing we want to exterminate in this country are traitors. Now unfortunately it just happens to be a fact that a majority of the traitors we catch and prosecute happen to be atheist Jews.”

“Without a deadly hate of that which threatens what we love, love is an empty word.

A catchword for hippies, queers, and cowards.”

White Power Quotes

“When the time is ripe and our people are finally disgusted with the endless compromisers, from Welch to Wallace. When they want to fight, when they are ready to sacrifice anything rather than bow to Negroes and Jews one more day, nothing can stop us.

For we shall have behind us the mightiest force on this planet: millions and millions of fighting-mad White men, filled with that holy and revolutionary sense of family which has proven unconquerable down through the ages.”

White Power

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