George Lucas Quotes Page 2


Best 60 Quotes by George Lucas – Page 2 of 2

“If the boy and girl walk off into the sunset hand-in-hand in the last scene, it adds 10 million to the box office.”

“If you look at 'Blade Runner,' it's been cut sixteen ways from Sunday, and there are all kinds of different versions of it.”

“If you really love films, and you really want to get the full impact, there's a huge difference between watching something on a small screen with a mediocre sound system and watching it on a giant screen in a giant theater with a huge beautiful sound system. I mean, the difference is electric.”

“It's hard work making movies. It's like being a doctor: you work long hours, very hard hours, and it's emotional, tense work. If you don't really love it, then it ain't worth it.”

“Learning to make films is very easy. Learning what to make films about is very hard.”

“Making a film is like putting out a fire with sieve. There are so many elements, and it gets so complicated.”

“None of the films I've done was designed for a mass audience, except for 'Indiana Jones.' Nobody in their right mind thought 'American Graffiti' or 'Star Wars' would work.”

“One thing about 'Star Wars' that I'm really proud of is that it expands the imagination. That's why I like the 'Star Wars' toys.”

“Part of the issue of achievement is to be able to set realistic goals, but that's one of the hardest things to do because you don't always know exactly where you're going, and you shouldn't.”

“Star Wars' is fun, its exciting, its inspirational, and people respond to that. It's what they want.”

“Storytelling is about two things; it's about character and plot.”

“The influence of 'Hidden Fortress' comes up a lot because it was printed in a book once. The truth is, the only thing I was inspired by was the fact that it's told from the point of view of two peasants, who get mixed up with a samurai and princess and a lot of very high-level people.”

“The secret is not to give up hope. It's very hard not to because if you're really doing something worthwhile I think you will be pushed to the brink of hopelessness before you come through the other side.”

“The secret to film is that it's an illusion.”

“The secret to the movie business, or any business, is to get a good education in a subject besides film – whether it's history, psychology, economics, or architecture – so you have something to make a movie about. All the skill in the world isn't going to help you unless you have something to say.”

“The sound and music are 50% of the entertainment in a movie.”

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“The story being told in 'Star Wars' is a classic one. Every few hundred years, the story is retold because we have a tendency to do the same things over and over again. Power corrupts, and when you're in charge, you start doing things that you think are right, but they're actually not.”

“The technology keeps moving forward, which makes it easier for the artists to tell their stories and paint the pictures they want.”

“The way I define 'intelligent design' is that when people started out, we wanted to make sense of the world we lived in, so we created stories about how things worked.”

“There should be a point to movies. Sure, you're giving people a diversion from the cold world for a bit, but at the same time, you pass on some facts and rules and maybe a little bit of wisdom.”

“There wasn't much as a kid that inspired me in what I did as an adult, but I was always very interested in what motivates people, and in telling stories and building things.”

“To be renewed is everything. What more could one ask for than to have one's youth back again?”

“Train yourself to let go of the things you fear to lose.”

“Whatever has happened in my quest for innovation has been part of my quest for immaculate reality.”

“When I was making 'Star Wars,' I wasn't restrained by any kind of science. I simply said, 'I'm going to create a world that's fun and interesting, makes sense, and seems to have a reality to it.”

“When you are a beginning film maker you are desperate to survive. The most important thing in the end is survival and being able to get to your next picture.”

“Whenever you do something, people try to re-do it and do a better version, especially if they're in another country.”

“Working hard is very important. You're not going to get anywhere without working extremely hard.”

“You can't do it unless you can imagine it.”

“You simply have to put one foot in front of the other and keep going. Put blinders on and plow right ahead.”

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