George W. Carey Quotes


Best 36 Quotes by George W. Carey – Page 1 of 2

“God loves us all, wants us all to share his kingdom, has a role for us all.”

“I believe with all my heart that the Church of Jesus Christ should be a Church of blurred edges.”

“I see no room in holy Scripture for any sexual activity outside of matrimony.”

“When the fire of prayer goes out, the barrenness of busyness takes over.”

God-Man Quotes

“Every 29.5 days a seed is born in, or out of the solar plexus – the oil unites with the mineral salts and thus produces the monthly seed which goes into the vagus.

There is an automatic procedure within the human body, which, if not interfered with will do away with all sickness, trouble, sorrow, and death, as stated in the Bible.”


The Anti-Christ Quotes

“Primitive Christians, the Essenes, fully realized and taught the great truth that Christ was a substance, an oil or ointment contained especially in the Spinal Cord, consequently in all parts of the body, as every nerve in the body is directly or indirectly connected with the wonderful River that flows out of Eden (the upper brain) to water the garden.”

The Anti-Christ

The Chemistry of Human Life Quotes

“Thou art Peter (petra-stone or mineral), on thee will I build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

The above words are simple statements of chemical and physiological facts.”

The Chemistry of Human Life

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


The Tree of Life Quotes

“Alchemy in its broader scope, means the science of solar rays. Gold may be traced to the Sun's rays. The word gold means solar essence.

The transmutation of gold does not mean the process of making gold, but does mean the process of changing gold, solar rays, into all manner of materialized forms, vegetable, mineral, etc.

The ancient alchemist studied the process of Nature in her operations from the volatile to the fixed, the fluid to the solid, the essence to the substance, or the abstract to the concrete, all of which may be summed up in the changing of spirit into matter.

In reality, the alchemist did not try to do anything. He simply tried to search out nature's processes in order that he might comprehend her marvelous operations.

The Tree of Life

“To be sure, language was used that to us seems symbolical and often contradictory, but it was not so intended, nor so at all in reality. We speak in symbols.

If a man is in delirium, caused by alcohol in his brain-cells, we say he has snakes in his boots. Of course, no one supposes that the words are to be taken literally.

Yet if our civilization should be wiped out, and our literature translated after four or five thousand years, those who read our history might be puzzled to know what was meant by snakes in his boots.”

The Tree of Life

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation Quotes

“Angles of planets cause effects or influences.”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

“As man is the universal term for both male and female, it will be realized that when all parts of the body are constantly receiving all of the required chemical elements, and all laws relative to right living are being obeyed, the physical form will then change very rapidly. Eventually this constant good work will result in a perfectly functioning system.”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

“From the teachings of the chemistry of life we find that the basis of the brain or nerve fluid is a certain mineral salt known as potassium phosphate, or Kali phos.”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

“In this strenuous age of reconstruction, while God’s creative compounds are forming a new race in the morning of a new age, all who desire physical regeneration should strive by every means within their reach to build new tissue, nerve fluids and brain cells, thus literally making 'new bottles for the new wine'.”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

“In venous blood fibrin amounts to three in one thousand parts. When the molecules of Kali mur fall below the standard, the blood fibrin thickens, causing what is known as pleurisy, pneumonia, catarrh, diphtheria, etc. When the circulation fails to throw out the thickened fibrin via the glands or mucous membrane, it may stop the action of the heart.

Embolus is a Latin word meaning little lump, or balls; therefore to die of embolus or 'heart failure' generally means that the heart’s action was stopped by little lumps of fibrin clogging the auricles and ventricles of the heart.”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“Kali phosphate is the greatest healing agent known to man, because it is the chemical base of material expression and understanding.”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

“Leo people consume their birth salts more rapidly than they consume any of the other salts of the blood; hence they are often deficient in magnesium.

Crude magnesia is too coarse to enter the blood through the delicate mucous membrane absorbents, and must be prepared according to the biochemic method before being taken into the blood.”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

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“Just as a man has two parents, and four grandparents, and eight great-grandparents, and sixteen great-great-grandparents, and so on until when, say, forty generations are calculated the numbers of ancestors run into many millions — so it is with the number of causes behind even the most trifling event or phenomena, such as the passage of a tiny speck of soot before your eye.

It is not an easy matter to trace the bit of soot back to the early period of the world's history when it formed a part of a massive tree-trunk, which was afterward converted into coal, and so on, until as the speck of soot it now passes before your vision on its way to other adventures.

And a mighty chain of events, causes and effects, brought it to its present condition, and the latter is but one of the chain of events which will go to produce other events hundreds of years from now.

One of the series of events arising from the tiny bit of soot was the writing of these lines, which caused the typesetter to perform certain work; the proofreader to do likewise; and which will arouse certain thoughts in your mind, and that of others, which in turn will affect others, and so on, and on, and on, beyond the ability of man to think further and all from the passage of a tiny bit of soot, all of which shows the relativity and association of things, and the further fact that 'there is no great; there is no small; in the mind that causeth all'.”

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“Many years ago I made the declaration to myself that I wanted truth, facts, and I did not care how much they hurt.”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

“No one accepts truth until he has been forced to do so by means of experience gained through suffering.”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

“One of the chief characteristics of the Gemini native is expression. The cell-salt Kali muriaticum (potassium chloride) is the mineral worker of blood that forms fibrin and properly diffuses it throughout the tissues of the body.”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

“Reincarnation of the spirit again and again into a new body should mean a better physical vehicle each time.

But so slow have we been learning, that very little improvement seems to have been made.

Is it not true of the average person that he or she is well past middle life before even diet is considered?”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

“Sufficient amount of the cell-salts of the body, properly combined and taken as food – not simply to cure some ache, pain or exudation — forms blood that materializes in healthy fluids, flesh arid bone tissue.”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“The angles (angels) of the twelve zodiacal signs materialize their vitalities in the human microcosm. Through the operation of chemistry, energy creating, the intelligent molecules of Divine substance make the 'Word' flesh.”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

“The animal has its seasons when, from instinct it prepares to perpetuate its kind. It does not seek to cohabit because of love of sensation as does humanity.

The detrimental effect resulting from man's fall into generation became intensified a thousand fold by this perversion, caused by the hypnotic power of the sensation created by the act.

Thus humanity became almost hopelessly enmeshed in the coils of this serpent of desire.”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

“The brain controls and directs the body and mind of man. The brain itself, however, is a receiver operated upon by celestial influences or angles (angels) and must operate according to the directing force or intelligence of its source of power.”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

“The chief office of Natrium sulphate is to eliminate an excess of water from the body. In hot weather the atmosphere becomes heavily laden with water and is thus breathed into the blood through the lungs.

One molecule of the Taurus salt has the chemical power to take up and carry out of the system two molecules of water.”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

“The first cell-salt to become deficient in symptoms of disease in the Taurus native is Natrium sulphate.”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

“The human body is an epitome of the cosmos.”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

“The intestinal tract also reflects the state or condition of the body. Most people are troubled more or less with constipation, and admit it.

Others, who have one evacuation per day, think this sufficient. Such is not the case. Whenever food is taken into the stomach a bowel movement should occur soon after, for the stomach and intestinal tract are connected.

They are one long passage, the two openings of which are the mouth and the anus. Is it, then, any wonder that the breath of the average person is not sweet or that the tongue is coated?”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“The more surplus water there is to be thrown out of the blood, the more sodium sulphate required. All so-called bilious or malarial troubles are simply a chemical effect or action caused by deficient sulphate of soda.

Chills and fever are Nature’s method of getting rid of surplus water by squeezing it out of the blood through violent muscular, nervous and vascular spasms. No 'shakes' or ague can occur if blood be properly balanced chemically.”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

“Therefore the cell-salt corresponding to the sign of the zodiac and function of the body is consumed more rapidly than other salts; and an extra amount is needed to supply the deficiency caused by the Sun’s influence at that particular time.”

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation

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