Gerrit Rietveld Quotes

Best 6 Quotes by Gerrit Rietveld

“Experience is based on the stimulus of the senses.”

“The message we sought to convey together was simplicity in life, through our work and by example. I don’t think we were too fanatical about it.”

“The reality that architecture can create is space.”

“To sit is a verb. If you're tired, just lie down.”

“You cannot answer me now, but still I ask: Are you well? Just say ‘yes’, far off in the distance. I will seek out the moon tonight. Goodbye dearest. I.L.Y.R. (I love you, Rietveld)”

“You scatter ideas around. People say I have lots of ideas, but you have many more. I pluck them from you. And they’re not just simple ideas, but you understand how to take them further.”

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