Giacomo Casanova Quotes

Best 20 Quotes by Giacomo Casanova

“Be the flame, not the moth.”

“Finishing first is nothing to brag about.”

“Hope is nothing but a deceitful flatterer accepted by reason only because it is often in need of palliatives.”

The Story of My Life Quotes

“A beautiful woman without a mind of her own leaves her lover with no resource after he had physically enjoyed her charms.”

The Story of My Life

“Beauty without wit offers nothing but the enjoyment of its material charms, whilst witty ugliness captivates by the charms of the mind, and at last fulfils all the desires of the man it has captivated.”

The Story of My Life

“Cheating is a sin, but honest cunning is simply prudence. It is a virtue. To be sure, it has a likeness to roguery, but that cannot be helped. He who has not learned to practice it is a fool.”

The Story of My Life

“Death is a monster that chases the rapt spectator from the theater before the play he is watching with infinite interest has ended.”

The Story of My Life

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Desires are but pain and torment, and enjoyment is sweet because it delivers us from them.”

The Story of My Life

“Happiness is gained by complying with the duties of whatever condition of life one is in, and you must constrain yourself to rise to that exalted station in which destiny has placed you.”

The Story of My Life

“Happy are those who know how to obtain pleasures without injury to anyone; insane are those who fancy that the Almighty can enjoy the sufferings, the pains, the fasts and abstinences which they offer to Him as a sacrifice,”

The Story of My Life

“He knows nothing who does not profit from what he knows.”

The Story of My Life

“I always willingly acknowledge my own self as the principal cause of every good and of every evil which may befall me; therefore, I have always found myself capable of being my own pupil, and ready to love my teacher.”

The Story of My Life

“I have loved women even to madness, but I have always loved liberty better.”

The Story of My Life

“I learned very early that our health is always impaired by some excess either of food or abstinence, and I never had any physician except myself.”

The Story of My Life

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“In fact, I do not believe there is an honest man alive without some pretension.”

The Story of My Life

“It is always easy to break one’s word to oneself.”

The Story of My Life

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“One who makes no mistakes makes nothing at all.”

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“The longer you remain in Rome, the smaller you will find it.”

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