Grant Cardone Quotes Page 3


Best 116 Quotes by Grant Cardone – Page 3 of 4

“You can’t get anywhere flying under the radar.”

“You can’t reach your potential without haters.”

“You don’t get burnout – you lose purpose! You lose your meaning. When I’m tired, I look at my purpose.”

“You will either get what you want or you will be used by others to get what they want.”

“You will never be admired without being criticized first.”

“You will not have a successful life surrounded by negative people.”

“You won’t get much done if you only grind on the days you feel good.”

“Your network is your networth.”

“Your persistence on any given endeavor is determined by the clarity of your purpose.”

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“A quitter is anyone that settles.”

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“A successful life requires you to take risks.”

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“Average never yields anything more than average and usually much less.”

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“Beware of people who attack the success of others... they'll attack yours too.”

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“Cash is trash. Holding on to it does nothing, it only becomes valuable when you put it to work. Once your money makes money, you are on your way to creating wealth.”

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“Discipline will take you farther than passion.”

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“Don’t be a little b*tch.”

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“Procrastination is not a form of laziness at all. It’s a coping mechanism for stress.”

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“Don’t be afraid to cut the dead weight off your life.”

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“Every single decision you make affects your future, remember that.”

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“Focus on you until the focus is on you.”

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“For those who chose to not have kids in their life... are you okay with that choice now?”

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“Grind while they rest.”

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“How is 'getting by' a good way to live?”

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“I can't afford to be a hater.”

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“I don't get mad, I get money. The attention from haters is just a bonus.”

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“I make money when I sleep... do you?”

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“If you got to cut people off to reach your goals... cut them off.”

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“If you want to be in the 1%, stop doing what the other 99% do.”

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“If you wanted to, you would.”

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“In life you’re going to make sacrifices. Stop feeling sorry for yourself- it’s part of the process.”

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“It's not a crime to want more for yourself.”

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