Gregg Braden Quotes Page 2


Best 57 Quotes by Gregg Braden – Page 2 of 2

The Divine Matrix Quotes

“The opportunity to be imprisoned or free is ours, and we’re the only ones who can make the choice.”

The Divine Matrix

“The pilot of any plane will agree that when an aircraft is flying with the currents of the atmosphere, the time to get from one place to another can be much shorter.

However, when the plane is flying against the flow, it endures a rough ride, and wind resistance can add hours to the flight.”

The Divine Matrix

“The pioneering anthropologist Louis Leakey once stated: Without an understanding of who we are, we cannot truly advance.”

The Divine Matrix

“This is one example of the kind of behavior that scientists simply have to call 'quantum weirdness'. The only explanation here is that the second opening has somehow forced the electron to travel as if it were a wave yet arrive at its destination just the way it began: as a particle. To do so, the electron has to somehow perceive that the second opening exists and has become available.

And this is where the role of consciousness comes in. Because it’s assumed that the electron cannot really 'know' anything in the truest sense of the word, the only other source of that awareness is the person watching the experiment.

The conclusion here is that somehow the knowledge that the electron has two possible paths to move through is in the mind of the observer, and that the onlooker’s consciousness is what determines how the electron travels.”

The Divine Matrix

“Through the Divine Matrix, we participate in the constant change that gives meaning to life. The question now is less about whether or not we’re passive observers and more about how we can intentionally create.”

The Divine Matrix

“Through the power of our forgotten inner technology, we can heal, bilocate, be everywhere at once, remote-view, connect telepathically, choose peace, and do everything in between.”

The Divine Matrix

“To overcome the fear that may be in our lives today, we must first master the patterns that allow it to exist.”

The Divine Matrix

“Together, we create the healing or the suffering, the peace or the war.”

The Divine Matrix

“We are everywhere already and always.”

The Divine Matrix

“We can no longer consider ourselves merely onlookers who have no effect on the world that we’re observing.”

The Divine Matrix

“We’re creators — and even more than that, we’re connected creators.”

The Divine Matrix

“We’re part of a universe that is a work in progress. In this unfinished creation, we are tiny patches of the universe looking at itself — and building itself.”

The Divine Matrix

“When we look at our lives from the viewpoint that everything is everywhere all the time, the implications are so vast that for many they’re hard to grasp.”

The Divine Matrix

“With these words, Max Planck, the father of quantum theory, described a universal field of energy that connects everything in creation: the Divine Matrix. The Divine Matrix is our world. It is also everything in our world. It is us and all that we love, hate, create, and experience.

Living in the Divine Matrix, we are as artists expressing our innermost passions, fears, dreams, and desires through the essence of a mysterious quantum canvas. But we are the canvas, as well as the images upon the canvas. We are the paints, as well as the brushes.

In the Divine Matrix, we are the container within which all things exist, the bridge between the creations of our inner and outer worlds, and the mirror that shows us what we have created.”

The Divine Matrix

The God Code Quotes

“For the moment we appear to be unique in the vast expanse of the cosmos. Scientists now believe that the universe we inhabit is nearly 17 billion light years (1 light year = the 9.46 trillion miles that light travels in one year) from one side to another, while our Milky Way galaxy alone is 100,000 light years across.

Within the entire universe, estimates for the number of galaxies are a staggering 200 billion, each galaxy holding somewhere in the same neighborhood of the 200 to 500 billion stars that are believed to be in our own.”

The God Code

“The Age of Discovery in science is coming to a close, opening up an Age of Mastery.

Today, we are on the cusp of an epoch-making transition, from being passive observers of Nature to being active choreographers of Nature.”

The God Code

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“When we want to change a condition, we need to say so. “I am willing to release the pattern within me that is creating this condition.”

You can say this to yourself over and over every time you think of your illness or problem. The minute you say it, you are stepping out of the victim class.

You are no longer helpless; you are acknowledging your own power. You are saying: I am beginning to understand that I created this. I now take my own power back. I am going to release this old idea and let it go.”

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“The basic elements of DNA — hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon — translate directly to key letters of the Hebrew and Arabic alphabets. In these languages, our genetic code spells the ancient name of God.

The same name lives within all humans, regardless of their beliefs, actions, lifestyle, religion, or heritage. This relationship was described in sacred texts, such as the Hebrew Sepher Yetzirah, at least 1,000 years before modern science verified such connections.”

The God Code

The Science of Self-Empowerment Quotes

“In compassion, we become involved. We actually do something in an attempt to alleviate the suffering of one or more others.

And while we hope our actions will ultimately contribute in some way to alleviating the suffering of others, the goal of compassion is less about the outcome itself and more about us and how we are changed in the presence of a compassionate choice.

Once our lives reflect the compassion that we choose, it’s then that the compassion we’ve become can be reflected in everything we do.”

The Science of Self-Empowerment

“The recognition of compassion’s role in our lives opens the door to the depths of our greatest self-mastery and the extraordinary experiences that make us human.”

The Science of Self-Empowerment

“The scientific fact of the mutation that made our FOXP2 gene and complex speech possible, and the DNA fusion that created human chromosome 2 and enabled the advanced brain functions associated with it, as well as the evidence that suggests these mutations cannot be attributed to evolution alone, all invite us to consider something beyond creationism and evolution when it comes to our species’ origin.

For the purposes of this discussion, and to honor the fact that mutations did occur, while acknowledging that something more than evolution contributed to the mutations, let’s call our third possibility directed mutation.

The name says it all. Some force that is not presently accounted for in the scientific story is responsible for the precision, timing, and refining of the mutations that makes us who we are. That unknown force directed the mutations that science has now proven to exist.”

The Science of Self-Empowerment

“The thinking of the past has been binary when it comes to the question of our origins. If evolution is not our story, the go-to alternative has automatically been assumed to be the story told by creationists of a divine beginning similar to the biblical account.

With this kind of thinking, all the 'baggage' of religious doctrine from the creationism side of the issue, and all the 'baggage' of the science zealots who are clinging to fundamentalist evolutionary theory, has made it nearly impossible to explore a third possibility.

Nevertheless, DNA studies are telling us that a third possibility exists.”

The Science of Self-Empowerment

“When we experience true compassion in our lives, our sense of separation between ourselves and others, all life, and the world, as well as within ourselves, disappears.”

The Science of Self-Empowerment

The Spontaneous Healing of Belief Quotes

“To heal the ancient battle between darkness and light, we may find that it’s less about defeating one or the other, and more about choosing our relationship to both.”

The Spontaneous Healing of Belief

The Wisdom Codes Quotes

“The key to harmony is to make room for change in your life.”

The Wisdom Codes

“The power of wisdom codes comes from their repetition and doing so in the affirmative. This imprints a code on the subconscious mind.

When we create heart/brain harmony, as described in 'How to Use the Wisdom Codes', we open a 'hotline' to communicate directly with the subconscious mind.

From a place of heart/brain harmony, recite the version that you are most drawn to, silently or out loud — line by line — until you feel an increased sense of trust and certainty that you are not alone.

The key is to embrace this code with a focus of awareness, breath, and feeling in the heart rather than the mind.”

The Wisdom Codes

“There is no seed of a god which has perished, neither has he who belongs to him. You will not perish, who belongs to him.”

The Wisdom Codes

Turning Point Quotes

“We live in a world where everything is connected. We can not longer think in terms of us and them when it comes to the consequences of the way we live. Today it's all about we.”

Turning Point

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“Physicists abandoned their belief in a Newtonian, material universe because they had come to realize that the universe is not made of matter suspended in empty space but energy.”

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