Hal Elrod Quotes Page 5


Best 139 Quotes by Hal Elrod – Page 5 of 5

The Miracle Morning Quotes

“To make profound changes in your life, you need either inspiration or desperation.”

The Miracle Morning

“We must embrace the fact that if we don’t commit to thinking and living differently than most people now, we are setting ourselves up to endure a life of mediocrity, struggle, failure and regret — just like most people.”

The Miracle Morning

“We must realize that the real impact and consequence of each of our choices and actions — and even our thoughts — is monumental, because every single thought, choice, and action is determining who we are becoming, which will ultimately determine the quality of our lives.”

The Miracle Morning

“When you are committed to a life purpose that is bigger than your problems, your problems become relatively insignificant and you will overcome them with ease.”

The Miracle Morning

“Where you are is a result of who you were, but where you end up depends entirely on who you choose to be from this moment forward.”

The Miracle Morning

“Whether it's our routines or our relationships, it's our responsibility to actively and continuously make them the way we want them to be.”

The Miracle Morning

“Why is it that when a baby is born we often refer to him or her as ‘the miracle of life’ but then we go on to accept mediocrity for our own lives. When did we lose sight of the Miracle that we are living?”

The Miracle Morning

“You are just as worthy, deserving, and capable of creating and sustaining extraordinary health, wealth, happiness, love, and success in your life, as any other person on earth.”

The Miracle Morning

“Your entire life changes the day that you decide you will no longer accept mediocrity for yourself.”

The Miracle Morning

“Your first thought in the morning is usually the last thought you had before you went to bed.”

The Miracle Morning

“Your outer world improves only after you’ve invested countless hours improving yourself.”

The Miracle Morning

The Miracle Morning for Salespeople Quotes

“Anything you repeat to yourself, over and over again, with emotion will be programmed into your subconscious mind, form new beliefs, and manifest itself through your actions.”

The Miracle Morning for Salespeople

“Each letter in S.A.V.E.R.S. represents one of the best practices of the most successful salespeople on the planet. And they’re also the same activities that bring new levels of peace, clarity, motivation, and energy to your life. They are:
- Silence
- Affirmations
- Visualization
- Exercise
- Reading
- Scribing”

The Miracle Morning for Salespeople

“If we’re talking about brain performance, the best predictor of brain speed is aerobic capacity – how well you can run up a hill is very strongly correlated with brain speed and cognitive shifting ability.”

The Miracle Morning for Salespeople

“If you want to take your sales to the next level, you must first figure out how to take your self to the next level – because it only happens in that order.”

The Miracle Morning for Salespeople

“Sales is not about making a sale; it’s about creating a relationship. The more relationships you have, the bigger your network. The bigger your network, the bigger your net worth.”

The Miracle Morning for Salespeople

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“We live in a culture that perpetuates the belief that when our lives are busy and exciting, we are more valuable, more important, or more alive. In truth, we are all of those things when we can be at peace within our own skin. Despite our best intentions to live balanced lives, though, the modern world demands that we are almost always connected and productive, and these demands can drain us emotionally, spiritually, and physically.”

The Miracle Morning for Salespeople

“When you own the morning, you own the day.”

The Miracle Morning for Salespeople

“Where you are is a result of who you were, where you go depends entirely on who you choose to be from this moment forward.”

The Miracle Morning for Salespeople