Hal Elrod Quotes

Best 6 The Miracle Equation Quotes by Hal Elrod

The Miracle Equation Quotes

“As you resist and wish it were different, you will continue to create and perpetuate emotional pain. The moment you accept it, you will be free.”

The Miracle Equation

“It’s not the experience, circumstance, or event that causes our emotional pain, but rather our unwillingness to accept life as it is and move forward that’s the cause.”

The Miracle Equation

“The only way never to experience unwanted emotional pain again is to make a conscious decision to accept everything that has ever happened or will ever happen to you.”

The Miracle Equation

“The purpose of setting a goal is not to hit the goal. The real purpose of setting a goal is to develop yourself into the type of person who can achieve your goals, regardless of whether you hit any particular one or not. Some goals you’ll reach, and some you won’t. It is who you become by giving it everything you have until the last moment — regardless of your results — that enables you to develop the mindset and behaviors that will help you achieve bigger and bigger goals for the rest of your life.”

The Miracle Equation

“The real purpose of every goal you set is to become the type of person who can consistently set and achieve significant goals.”

The Miracle Equation

“When your emotional state isn’t optimal — whether you’re experiencing stress, fear, worry, regret, resentment, or any other unpleasant emotion — you’re not thinking about what’s possible. You’re not fine-tuning your plans or brainstorming creative solutions to your problems. You’re not filled with energy. No, you’re dwelling on your negative emotions. You’re licking your wounds, so to speak. Meanwhile, the possibilities are passing you by because there’s no space in your brain for anything more than those negative emotions.”

The Miracle Equation

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“Your inner growth is completely dependent upon the realization that the only way to find peace and contentment is to stop thinking about yourself. You’re ready to grow when you finally realize that the 'I' who is always talking inside will never be content. It always has a problem with something.”

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