Hans Rosling Quotes

Best 7 Quotes by Hans Rosling

“Few people will appreciate the music if I just show them the notes. Most of us need to hear it.”

“Half of the energy is used by one seventh of the world's population.”

“I have a motto: it's never too late to give up. It's never too late to give up what you are doing, and start doing what you realise you love.”

“I have a neighbor who knows 200 types of wine... I only know two types of wine - red and white. But my neighbor only knows two types of countries - industrialized and developing. And I know 200.”

“If you have democracy, people will vote for washing machines. They love them!”

“If your economy grows by 4 percent, you ought to reduce child mortality 4 percent.”

Factfulness Quotes

“Slow change is still change.”


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