Hector Garcia Puigcerver Quotes
Best 17 Quotes by Hector Garcia Puigcerver
Ikigai Quotes
“A donkey that is tied to a post by a rope will keep walking around the post in an attempt to free itself, only to become more immobilized and attached to the post. The same thing applies to people with obsessive thinking who become more trapped in their own suffering when they try to escape from their fears and discomfort.”
“Artists know how important it is to protect their space, control their environment, and be free of distractions.”
“Concentrating on one thing at a time may be the single most important factor in achieving flow.”
“Dealing with new situations, learning something new every day, playing games, and interacting with other people seem to be essential anti-aging strategies for the mind. Furthermore, a more positive outlook in this regard will yield greater mental benefits.”
“Essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.”
“Life is not a problem to be solved. Just remember to have something that keeps you busy doing what you love while being surrounded by the people who love you.”
“Our ikigai is different for all of us, but one thing we have in common is that we are all searching for meaning.”
“Our intuition and curiosity are very powerful internal compasses to help us connect with our ikigai.”
“Presented with new information, the brain creates new connections and is revitalized. This is why it is so important to expose yourself to change, even if stepping outside your comfort zone means feeling a bit of anxiety.”
“Simply interacting with others—playing a game, for example—offers new stimuli and helps prevent the depression that can come with solitude.”
“Sunday neurosis, for example, is what happens when, without the obligations and commitments of the workweek, the individual realizes how empty he is inside.”
“The happiest people are not the ones who achieve the most. They are the ones who spend more time than others in a state of flow.”
“There is a tension between what is good for someone and what they want to do. This is because people, especially older people, like to do things as they've always done them. The problem is that when the brain develops ingrained habits, it doesn't need to think anymore. Things get done very quickly and efficiently on automatic pilot, often in a very advantageous way. This creates a tendency to stick to routines, and the only way of breaking these is to confront the brain with new information.”
“Walk slowly and you’ll go far.”
“We have to learn to turn off the autopilot that’s steering us in an endless loop. We all know people who snack while talking on the phone or watching the news. You ask them if the omelet they just ate had onion in it, and they can’t tell you.”
“We often think that combining tasks will save us time, but scientific evidence shows that it has the opposite effect. Even those who claim to be good at multitasking are not very productive. In fact, they are some of the least productive people.”
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“Life is a dance, and when you are dancing, you are not intent on getting somewhere. The meaning and purpose of dancing is the dance.”
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