Helene Hadsell Quotes


Best 63 Contesting Quotes by Helene Hadsell – Page 1 of 3

Contesting Quotes

“All these things that I do, you can do, and more.”


“Anything you thought or spoke about in the past that meant doubt, failure, or was of a negative nature is gone and buried.

You need no longer dwell in the past, nor need to identify with any hardship, heartache, or heartbreak you experienced.

Realize you are a powerful person.”


“Ask yourself, “What is the most important goal I wish to accomplish?”

Think about it seriously. Is it positive, constructive, and creative?

Sort of imagine having it. Feel how it feels to have it. How will it change your lifestyle?”


“Be positive! Ask for the good things of life. You deserve the best!

How else can you express your God-given talents? How else can you help others unless you are healthy and happy?

You need energy and a life of abundance to accomplish your best work.”


“Begin to love completely. Love everything unconditionally: the clouds, wind, stones, trees, animals, insects, and all the people you come into contact with.

This is sometimes the most difficult task. You must love and respect everything. This is not physical love but rather a universal feeling, a common bond, and harmony with all.

My Native American friend taught me that even the stones have a consciousness of their own. God’s consciousness is in everything, and we must love all of it!”


“Begin today to become aware of your thinking.

In the past, if you thought, “Not me,” change it to, “Why not me?”

Change the phrase “I can’t” to “I can.”


“Change your expectations, and you change your conditions.

Begin to act as if you expect success, happiness, and abundance. Prepare for good.

Nothing is too good to be true; nothing is too wonderful to happen; nothing is too good to last when you have a positive attitude for your good.”


“Deciding what you want, imagining you have it, and knowing it will be yours are the keys to being a winner.

There is one more attribute that is obvious with most of the winners: their attitude.”


“Do you know what you really want? Don't be too quick with your answer because the average person has so many wants, desires, and wishes.

They change daily with one’s moods. You are not able to give yourself the chance to generate enough energy for your end result if you vacillate.”


“Don’t be discouraged. Sometimes new ideas have to be presented a number of times before they are adapted.”


“Don’t ever dismiss or nullify good, positive energy because you are disappointed.

Acquire the attitude, 'I guess I need a little more patience'.

It really does wonders for your peace of body, mind, and well-being. You will get it.”


“Effective Sensory Projection is nothing but projecting energy toward an end result.

Seeing it as already having it. Now anyone can do that.”


“Every thought you harbor in fear, anger, or pain seems to accumulate more energy, and it will eventually become a reality.

“Hang in there long enough and strong enough, and you will get it,” is a cosmic law.”


“First, is to think positive, do not be negative either mentally or emotionally.

Do not dwell on what could go wrong or what has not worked before. This is a new moment!

Visualize the end result only, and do not be concerned with how it will come to you. Just see and feel it as though it is already achieved.

Second, do something constructive on the physical level to aid your mental picture. You have to ‘get into the act.”


“I can’t have cancer. I never learned to develop it.”


“I feel we all have the power to create our own destinies and that we can help ourselves along the way by constructive thinking and actions.

Why not tune into our creative forces and make this a more positive environment for ourselves and for those around us?”


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“It is no exaggeration to say that every human being is hypnotized to some extent either by ideas he has uncritically accepted from others or ideas he has repeated to himself or convinced himself are true.

These negative ideas have exactly the same effect upon our behavior as the negative ideas implanted into the mind of a hypnotized subject by a professional hypnotist.”

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“I’d read someplace that the stronger your faith, the more power you have. Also, you should continue to use your ‘God-power’ within you since you then acquire more power.

You do not use up God-power, the statement said. It is inexhaustible, like the air we breathe.”


“If you feel like you’ve never won anything in your life, you can change that pattern and become a winner; that is if you want to change.”


“If you have difficulty picturing a goal by imagining it, then cut out pictures to depict what it is you want.

Paste the pictures on a piece of cardboard. Tack the pictures up on the wall or door, wherever you will see them often.

Every time you look at the pictures, pretend you already have what you want.

This way, you are giving your goals energy. Continue your imaging until your goal is realized.”


“If you have ever kept a track record of winners, be it in sports, art, literature, acting, and yes, even in contesting, you will find that most of the people win consistently.

The same names appear on top of the winner’s list. What is their secret?
- They decide what they want.
- They imagine they have it.
- They know they will get it.”


“It is amusing to think about dishonesty, for “As you sow, so shall you reap.”

The more I become aware of this well-organized universe we live in, the more I realize the perfection of this law. You really don’t kid anyone but yourself when you are dishonest.

Although at one time, you may feel you have pulled a fast one, sometime in the future, someone will pull a fast one on you. This law was laid down for us centuries ago.”


“Learn how you can play the game of life using positive thinking to win.”


“Let me define the difference between desire and knowing.

Desire is excited anticipation; knowing is calm assurance.”


“Look for exciting things to happen because they will!”


“Many times, repetition is the only way learning can be accomplished for some.”


“Negative thinking can sap your energy and creativity and prevent you from realizing your goal.”


“No braggin' before baggin'.”


“No matter your past or present, you can change your future.”


“No person and no circumstance can disturb our inner peace. Fear and tension vanish when you use positive control. Heartache and headache are exposed and dissolved.

Everything becomes right when we learn to love in this new way. You possess all the capabilities for self-enrichment. You need only exercise these powers.

As you begin, have no concern whether you are proceeding correctly. Just begin.”


“Our body has a survival mechanism that triggers and aids us to respond to survive. I agree.

But when one possesses a powerful imagination along with fear, it overrides any physiological response that would react, and one can (and many times does) bleed to death or die of shock caused by fear and panic.”


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