Herbert Marcuse Quotes

Best An Essay on Liberation Quotes by Herbert Marcuse

An Essay on Liberation Quotes

“A political practice of methodical disengagement from and refusal of the Establishment, aiming at a radical transvaluation of values. Such a practice involves a break with the familiar, the routine ways of seeing, hearing, feeling, understanding things so that the organism may become receptive to the potential forms of a nonaggressive, nonexploitative world.”

An Essay on Liberation

“At this stage, the question is no longer: how can the individual satisfy his own needs without hurting others, but rather: how can he satisfy his needs without hurting himself, without reproducing, through his aspirations and satisfactions, his dependence on an exploitative apparatus which, in satisfying his needs, perpetuates his servitude? The”

An Essay on Liberation

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“The true goal of totalitarian propaganda is not persuasion, but organization of the policy. What convinces masses are not facts, and not even invented facts, but only the consistency of the system of which they are presumably part.”

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