Holly Lisle Quotes
Best Quotes by Holly Lisle
“Anything designed to be inoffensive isn't worth your time — life itself is pretty offensive, ending as it does with death.”
“If you don't accept responsibility for your own actions, then you are forever chained to a position of defense.”
Diplomacy of Wolves Quotes
“A voice speaks to each of us in the still silent places - a voice that tells us to stand, to have courage, to do what is right.”
“Willful ignorance and endless laws become the replacement for self-education and self-restraint, because ignorance and laws are easy.”
The Silver Door Quotes
“Adventures are only interesting once you've lived to see the end of them. Before that, they are nothing but fear, and being too cold or too hot or too wet or too hungry, and getting hurt.”
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“Love is like the sea. It's a moving thing, but still and all, it takes its shape from the shore it meets, and it's different with every shore.”