Hotep Jesus Quotes Page 2


Best 72 Quotes by Hotep Jesus – Page 2 of 3

The Lazy Man’s Guide To F-U Money by 30! Quotes

“Do you know how China went from a bunch of farmers to a world power in 100 years? Because they planned 100 years ahead, not 10.”

The Lazy Man’s Guide To F-U Money by 30!

“Great people are grown not born. It takes discipline and patience.”

The Lazy Man’s Guide To F-U Money by 30!

“Habitual liars don’t only lie to others, they lie to themselves too. Lying to yourself is a cause for lying to others.”

The Lazy Man’s Guide To F-U Money by 30!

“Investing is a skill you must have. Take some time to study this arena intensely.”

The Lazy Man’s Guide To F-U Money by 30!

“Learn skills then learn the skills that complement those skills. You want to be so skillful you don’t even have to use your skills.”

The Lazy Man’s Guide To F-U Money by 30!

“Let’s say you get a girlfriend. She will rob you of your time, money, and resources. Even if she’s a good woman she will still require all of the above.

Your investment potential has been immediately chopped in half... at least! Add a baby and it’s over. You might as well sell crack at this point. (JOKING!)”

The Lazy Man’s Guide To F-U Money by 30!

“No one can tell you when you will know yourself because only you control that.”

The Lazy Man’s Guide To F-U Money by 30!

“Once a man can face himself, he is now ready to face the world. Until then he is still running from and eluding his own acquisition of power.

The power is within, not without. Seek it in the without and you will be without.”

The Lazy Man’s Guide To F-U Money by 30!

“Put a mental time-lock on your portfolio. Always add to your accounts but never take out!”

The Lazy Man’s Guide To F-U Money by 30!

“Strive to be an owner and not a worker.”

The Lazy Man’s Guide To F-U Money by 30!

“The more you focus on yourself the faster you understand yourself.”

The Lazy Man’s Guide To F-U Money by 30!

“The New York Stock Exchange is the heart of the American economy and money is the blood.”

The Lazy Man’s Guide To F-U Money by 30!

“To not know is to be owned. To know is to own.”

The Lazy Man’s Guide To F-U Money by 30!

“Too many plan for tomorrow but not the further future.”

The Lazy Man’s Guide To F-U Money by 30!

“What’s your 10-year plan? Start there! Then work backwards to your 5-year and 1-year plans etc.”

The Lazy Man’s Guide To F-U Money by 30!

“Where you find a weakness you find an opportunity for strength. This is part of the calibration of man. This is how man creates order out of chaos.”

The Lazy Man’s Guide To F-U Money by 30!

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“Do not give to anybody based upon your level of attraction or interest. Do or give based upon their level of investment.

If she gives 1 you give 1, if she gives 2 you give 2.

Making women not earn you time is a great way to get stuck in the friend zone or losing attraction.”

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“You can’t fully commit to getting to know someone when you don’t even know yourself.”

The Lazy Man’s Guide To F-U Money by 30!

“Your life is nearly perfect if you live with your parents with no girlfriends or kids.”

The Lazy Man’s Guide To F-U Money by 30!

“Your life should exist in three segments. Cashflow, investing and studying.”

The Lazy Man’s Guide To F-U Money by 30!

The Unbreakable Rules of Masculinity Quotes

“Communication was slow prior to the internet and mobile devices. You should understand that the easy flow of communication lowers its value.

Everyone wants to communicate from behind text and email – it’s faster. Phone conversations are no more. It better be important if you’re going to speak over the phone.

Social media gives you access to so many people. Literally millions. You can communicate briefly with hundreds of people daily. At the very least, interact with them via likes and shares.

Subconsciously, this lowers the value of people in your life. They’re easily replaceable because you have access to so many people.”

The Unbreakable Rules of Masculinity

“I feel that if I have to play mind games to get a woman, then that woman isn’t the one for me. Maybe the one for me will allow me to be open and honest and will appreciate that.”

The Unbreakable Rules of Masculinity

“I would call this a human flaw. Doesn’t it make sense to give attention to those who love us and ignore the ones that don’t?”

The Unbreakable Rules of Masculinity

“Logic and love don’t share a bed.”

The Unbreakable Rules of Masculinity

“Once you come out of the closet and show a woman that you really like her, she’s gone!

Now, it is human nature that we tend to love those who don’t love us back and run from those who do. The issue here comes down to value. What is hard to obtain will have high value and what is easily obtainable will have low value.

Isn’t that why people have crushes on celebrities? Because they’re unobtainable. After all, celebrities are just people too. And many of them don’t even look that good.

When you share your emotions with a woman, your stock goes down. And when you don’t, your stock goes up.”

The Unbreakable Rules of Masculinity

“What she says is not what she means.”

The Unbreakable Rules of Masculinity

“Women love to chase. They are the hunters for relationships – not men. When women cannot chase you, they get turned off. Uncertainty drives her mad.”

The Unbreakable Rules of Masculinity

Twitter post Quotes

“A lot of power comes from minding your own business.”

Twitter post

“A man doesn’t fully become a man until he has a son and/or mentors young men.”

Twitter post

“Communism with a head of state is a fascist dictatorship.”

Twitter post

“During the day the tribe yields the hay; When the sun goes away the tribe tends to play.”

Twitter post

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“Most of you are lying to yourselves. You think you want to become rich, but you don't want what comes with it. You think you want to become strong, but you don't want what comes with it. You don't actually want anything. We can all see it by your actions.”

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