Howard Williams Quotes
Best Quotes by Howard Williams
The Ethics of Diet Quotes
“Blind hero-worship and idolatry of genius or intellect – even of intellect directed to high moral aims – forms no part of the Humanitarian creed;”
“Plato, it has been already observed, deserves his high place among the immortals, not so much on account of any special originality, or on account of any direct or substantial results from his speculative and transcendental philosophy, as on account of its general tendency to subordinate the lower to the higher nature – to refine, and, so to speak, spiritualize human thought.”
“The obligation to abstain from the flesh of animals, it is to be admitted, seems to have been founded, primarily, rather upon spiritual than upon strictly humanitarian reasons.”
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“Speak truth. And they may well hunt you down, drag you through town, latch you to a post, and burn you alive in the village square. Thing is: If you don't speak truth. You make yourself a liar, a sellout, and a con-artist by default. Better to take a little risk... And risk burning.”