Hugh Prather Quotes

Best 30 Quotes by Hugh Prather

“A whole mind cannot create chaos. A conflicted mind can create nothing else.”

“Books seek us out. They slip themselves into our hands just at the time we are ready for a new self-concept.”

“Discouragement, if pursued, is the exercise of an option: to turn from creative to noncreative mental activity, to turn from what is present to what is over, to turn from that which builds to that which destroys.”

“Egos clash. That's the nature of egos. Treat these outbursts as sneezing fits.”

“Forgive and be happy. That is the ancient secret – the only wisdom ever to be attained.”

“How genuine is my capacity for love if there is no one for me to love, to laugh with, to treat tenderly, to be trusted by?”

“Perfectionism is a slow death. If everything were to turn out just like I would want it to, just like I would plan for it to, then I would never experience anything new. My life would be an endless repetition of stale successes. When I make a mistake I experience something unexpected. When I have listened to my mistakes I have grown.”

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“True humor is fun - it does not put down, kid, or mock. It makes people feel wonderful, not separate, different, and cut off. True humor has beneath it the understanding that we are all in this together.”

How to Live in the World and Still Be Happy Quotes

“Happiness is gentleness, peace, concentration, simplicity, forgiveness, humor, fearlessness, trust, and now.”

How to Live in the World and Still Be Happy

I Touch the Earth, the Earth Touches Me Quotes

“By approaching my problems with 'What might make things a little better?' rather than 'What is the solution?' I avoid setting myself up for certain frustration. My experience has shown me that I am not going to solve anything in one stroke; at best I am only going to chip away at it.”

I Touch the Earth, the Earth Touches Me

“No matter what we talk about, we are talking about ourselves.”

I Touch the Earth, the Earth Touches Me

Notes to Myself Quotes

“A messy mortal is my friend. Come walk with me in the mud.”

Notes to Myself

“All my life, I have made it complicated, but it is so simple. I love when I love. And when I love, I am myself.”

Notes to Myself

“An argument is always about what has been made more important than the relationship.”

Notes to Myself

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“Because the results are unpredictable, no effort of mine is doomed to failure.”

Notes to Myself

“Before, I thought I was actually fighting for my own self-worth; that is why I so desperately wanted people to like me. I thought their liking me was a comment on me, but it was a comment on them.”

Notes to Myself

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“Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.”

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“Being myself includes taking risks with myself, taking risks on new behavior, trying new ways of 'being myself', so that I can see who it is I want to be.”

Notes to Myself

“Boredom is useful to me when I notice it and think: Oh I'm bored; there must be something else I want to be doing... Boredom acts as an initiator of originality by pushing me into new activities or new thoughts.”

Notes to Myself

“Boredom or discontent is useful to me when I acknowledge it and see clearly my assumption that there's something else I would rather be doing. In this way boredom can act as an invitation to freedom by opening me to new options and thoughts. For example, if I can't change the activity, can I look at it more honestly?”

Notes to Myself

“But it's morning. Within my hands is another day. Another day to listen and love and walk and glory. I am here for another day.”

Notes to Myself

“Do I avoid looking a stranger in the eyes because I don't want to make him uncomfortable, or do I turn my eyes so he can't look into me?”

Notes to Myself

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“Don't fight a fact, deal with it.”

Notes to Myself

“Don't strive for love, be it.”

Notes to Myself

“Fault means failure to meet a standard. Whose? Mine.”

Notes to Myself

“Fears, indecision, and frustration feed on words. Without words they usually stop. Words are at times good for looking back, but they are confining when I need to act in the present.”

Notes to Myself

“Happiness is a present attitude and not a future condition.”

Notes to Myself

“I don't need a reason to be happy. I don't have to consult the future to know how happy I feel now.”

Notes to Myself

“If the desire to write is not accompanied by actual writing, then the desire is not to write.”

Notes to Myself

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


Standing on My Head Quotes

“Almost any difficulty will move in the face of honesty. When I am honest I never feel stupid. And when I am honest I am automatically humble.”

Standing on My Head

“Every moment that I am centered in the future I suffer a temporary loss of this life.”

Standing on My Head

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