Ian Tuhovsky Quotes

Best 10 Zen Quotes by Ian Tuhovsky

Zen Quotes

“All of these things that we have been looking for in other places have been available all along, closer than we thought.”


“Another problem is worrying that we are worried, which is making a problem out of a problem, and then making a problem that we made a problem out of the problem.”


“De-clutter your life by getting rid of unnecessary commitments.”


“Honestly realize and accept the fact that everything is not within your control.”


“If you don’t take things personally, you can’t even complain.”


“If you’re not 100% committed to what you do (even if it’s just your chore which you have to do), then why do anything at all?”


“Stop correcting people all the time, preaching to them and commenting on all the subjects you have no idea about.”


“The problem is that you think that you have to be motivated to do something, instead of just doing it and then having it done. Tip: The willingness to do things comes with action. Don’t wait until you feel like going to the gym and exercising. Start exercising right away and there’s a huge possibility that you’ll feel the desire to continue.”


“Weak people revenge, strong people forgive, intelligent people ignore.”


“When psychotherapists studying the art of achievement analyzed the language and thought patterns of the most successful people, they discovered a very interesting thing. Those people never talked about having to do something – they talked about making certain choices, because even if someone puts a gun to your head, you still do have a choice. It can be a crappy choice, but you have it. In this case you can either do what they tell you to do or you can ignore them.”


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