Iman Gadzhi Quotes Page 2

Books by Iman Gadzhi


Best 100 Quotes by Iman Gadzhi – Page 2 of 4

Twitter post Quotes

“Integrity over everything. No compromises.”

Twitter post

“It’s not about the cards you’re dealt. It’s about how you play the hand.”

Twitter post

“Little kids asking me what colour my Bugatti is…

I bought my mom a $4,000,000 house in London cash, at the age of 23.

Y’all need to stop it with the comparisons.”

Twitter post

“Long term gain > short term pleasure”

Twitter post

“Lotta keyboard warriors these days, not a lot of real warriors.”

Twitter post

“Make sure you’re doing it for yourself instead of impressing other people and you’ll never run out of motivation.”

Twitter post

“Man is born into chains, and it is his duty to break free.”

Twitter post

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Men used to go to war. Now they rage quit when their fake video game character dies.”

Twitter post

“Millionaires don’t believe in astrology, billionaires do.”

Twitter post

“Mind over matter is magic. I do magic.”

Twitter post

“Modern feminism has ruined so many young girls. But even more young men.”

Twitter post

“Money is coined liberty. When they restrict cash they restrict your freedom. Nigeria is the first of many to follow. Be prepared.”

Twitter post

“No man is more enslaved than one that falsely believes in his own freedom.”

Twitter post

“Nobody but you is to blame for your problems.”

Twitter post

Products by Iman Gadzhi

“Nobody is coming to save you. You have to save yourself first.”

Twitter post

“P*rn has ruined young men.”

Twitter post

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“The way truth or a topic is presented affects how we respond to it. Consider two milk containers as an illustration. One reads '20% cholesterol' while another says '80% cholesterol free'. We will choose the second alternative as a result of the framing effect.”

More quotes by Josh King Madrid

“Pay attention to how loud someone has to be to get people to listen.”

Twitter post

“People love calling everything a scam so that they have an excuse to not actually try.”

Twitter post

“People put themselves in mental prisons because it’s easier to be captured than to be free.”

Twitter post

“Pretty ironic that a high-school dropout is building schools in Nepal.”

Twitter post

“Question everything. Always.”

Twitter post

Book of the Week

Feeling Is The Secret by Neville Goddard


“Reading is a glimpse into someone’s lived experiences.

With all the great men that have come before you why wouldn’t you take advantage of their knowledge?”

Twitter post

“Realize that you are not your thoughts, and you don't have to be a prisoner of them.”

Twitter post

“Reject mediocrity.”

Twitter post

“Riches are made in recessions.”

Twitter post

“Risk is what pushes you forward.

Move toward calculated risk. Don’t shy away from the challenge.”

Twitter post

“Seed oils are a scam.”

Twitter post

“Show me your friends and I'll show you your future.”

Twitter post

Products by Iman Gadzhi


Twitter post

“Small vices kill big dreams.”

Twitter post

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“Reframe obstacles into challenges and the stress will dissolve completely. For instance, an embarrassing moment at work can seem funny when put in a long-term frame.

When we change the frame we change the meaning. Was it a waste of time or was it a valuable lesson? Did you lose it all or did you get a fresh start? Reframing is one of the most powerful tools you can implement to change your state of mind.”

More quotes by Josh King Madrid
