Inayat Khan Quotes Page 2


Best 76 Quotes by Inayat Khan – Page 2 of 3

“One makes one's nature by one's likes and dislikes, by what one favors or disfavors. When a person says, 'I don't like this food,' he has built something into his nature. And then that food, when eaten, will often disagree with him. It is not that it was meant to disagree with him, but he made it disagree by disliking it.”

“One moment standing in the midst of nature with open heart is a whole lifetime, if one is in tune with nature.”

“One need not fall in love; one must rise through love.”

“Our thoughts have prepared for us the
happiness or unhappiness we experience.”

“Our virtues are made by love, and our sins caused by the lack of it.”

“Out of the shell of the broken heart emerges the newborn soul.”

“Patient endurance is a sign of progress.”

“Reason is the illusion of reality.”

“Selfishness keeps man blind through life.”

“Some day music will be the means of expressing universal religion. Time is wanted for this, but there will come a day when music and its philosophy will become the religion of humanity.”

“Some people look for a beautiful place. Others make a place beautiful.”

“The artist, the poet, the musician and the philosopher show in their gifts throughout their lives the heritage of the jinn. The words genius and jinn come from a Sanskrit word Jnana, which means knowledge. The jinns. Therefore, are the beings of knowledge; whose hunger is for knowledge, whose joy is in learning, in understanding, and whose work is in inspiring, and bring light and joy to others. In every kind of knowledge that exists, the favorite knowledge to a jinn is the knowledge of truth, in which is the fulfillment of its life's purpose.”

“The first lesson to learn is to resign oneself to the little difficulties in life, not to hit out at everything one comes up against. If one were able to manage this one would not need to cultivate great power; even one's presence would be healing.”

“The gardener uses both roses in the flowerbed and thorns in making fences.”

“The one who is happy is he who is ready to be friends with all. His outlook on life is friendly. He is not only friendly to persons, but also to objects and conditions.”

“The reason why man seeks for happiness is not because happiness is his sustenance, but because happiness is his own being; therefore in seeking for happiness, man is seeking for himself.”

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“He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.”

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“The secret of mysticism, therefore, is to feel, think, speak, and act at the same time, for then all that is said, or felt, or done, becomes perfect.”

“The sighing of the devotee clears a path for him into the world unseen, and his tears wash away the sins of ages. All revelation follows the ecstasy; all knowledge that a book can never contain, that a language can never express, nor a teacher teach, comes to him of itself.”

“The solution to the problem of the day is the awakening of the consciousness of humanity to the divinity within.”

“The soul apart from the body and mind is a sound, a note, a tone, which is called in Sanskrit Svara.”

“The soul of man is the spark of God. Though this spark is limited on the earth, still God is all-powerful; and by teaching the prayer 'Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven', the Master has given a key to every soul who repeats this prayer; a key to open that door behind which is the secret of that almighty power and perfect wisdom which raises the soul above all limitations.”

“The souls of all are from one and the same source but a soul which is unveiled shines out. Love and light come continually from such souls. We need no proof of it for it is living all else is dead in comparison.”

“The Sufi recognizes the knowledge of self as the essence of all religions; he traces it in every religion, he sees the same truth in each, and therefore he regards all as one. Hence he can realize the saying of Jesus; 'I and my Father are one.' The difference between creature and Creator remains on his lips, not in his soul.”

“The teaching of Jesus Christ has as its central theme unfoldment towards a realization of immortality.”

“The true use of music is to become musical in one's thoughts, words and actions. One should be able to give the harmony for which the soul yearns and longs every moment. All the tragedy in the world, in the individual and in the multitude, comes from lack of harmony, and harmony is best given by producing it in one's own life.”

“The true way of progressing through music is to evolve freely, to go forward, not caring what others think, and in this way, together with one's development in music, to harmonize the life of one's soul, one's surroundings and one's affairs.”

“The words that enlighten the soul are more precious than jewels.”

“Then again it may be said, there is a purpose above each purpose, and there is again a purpose under each purpose; and yet beyond and beneath all purposes there is no purpose. The creation is, because it is.”

“There are two aspects of individual harmony: the harmony between body and soul, and the harmony between individuals. All the tragedy in the world, in the individual and in the multitude, comes from lack of harmony. And harmony is the best given by producing harmony in one's own life. ”

“There are two things: knowing and being. It is easy to know the truth, but very difficult to be the truth. The purpose of life is not fulfilled in the knowledge of the truth; it is fulfilled by being truth.”

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“Chalk out a programme of life. Draw your spiritual routine. Stick to it systematically and regularly.

Apply yourself diligently. Waste not even a single precious minute. Life is short. Time is fleeting.

That 'tomorrow' will never come. Now or never.”

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