Isabel Brown Quotes
Best 34 Quotes by Isabel Brown – Page 1 of 2
Frontlines Quotes
“Turning Point USA seemed intent on sharing how I was already empowered as a young woman — I didn’t need government assistance or radical legislative change to be a leader.”
Twitter post Quotes
“A biotech company in San Francisco called Conception announced they will be cultivating human egg cells from stem cells to allow all male couples and older women to conceive naturally, and eliminate diseases like Alzheimers and heart disease from society.
Can someone say Brave New World?”
“Abortion is not healthcare. It's not birth control. It's not the same as treatment for a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.
If you've had one - there are people with open arms ready to help you get out of the cycle. If you haven't - don't fall for
Planned Parenthood's lies.”
“According to the FBI, Catholic Americans are potential domestic extremists, especially when we prefer the Latin Mass.”
“AI Girlfriends are here... What could possibly go wrong?!
When men are having the least amount of sex in decades, marriage is at an all time low, Gen Z isn't dating, and we aren't having enough kids to replace our population, digital AI girlfriends are the last thing we need.”
“America is fat. I said it.
We're also overmedicated, miserable, and sick.”
“Artificial intelligence will change more about our society than any other social issue, mark my words.”
“Birth control pills will not balance your hormones or cure you of your problems.
It will completely change your personality, make you attracted to feminine men, destroy your body's natural stress response and more.”
“Despite what you may believe, there are real solutions to gun violence that don't involve banning guns.”
“Did you know, Gen Z is the most likely generation to boycott businesses that don't share our values?”
“Don’t wait for a Monday, a new month, a new year, or a new milestone to take a leap of faith.
Start that business. Write that book. Open that creator account. Fall in love and go kiss that guy.
Get down on one knee. Open your Bible. Get that dog. Buy that plane ticket. Apply for that job. Move to that city.
Life doesn’t wait for the perfect timing… so it’s time to start living it.”
“Explaining the biological differences between men and women does not warrant being violently assaulted, held hostage, or having your life threatened by an angry mob.
Nor are those actions 'peaceful'.”
“Hot take: we shouldn’t tell men to 'marry the woman in front of them'.
We deserve more than settling… we deserve the real thing.”
“I don't know who needs to hear this today, but modern feminism is lying to you.”
“If a man really wants to be in your life, you don't need to make the first move or say 'I love you' first. He will tell you what his intentions are upfront – trust him.
You're not 'crazy' for wanting commitment and intentionality... those guys are really out there and you deserve.”
“If you're a woman who still believes the modern feminist movement supports and uplifts you, what more can they say/do to prove you wrong?
They're telling us to kill our children, chop off our genitals, chemically castrate ourselves with synthetic testosterone, cheer for men who beat us in sports, turn a blind eye when men in skirts r*pe us in bathrooms or punch us on college campuses, and more.
Seriously – what more do you need?”
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“I'm afraid of heights. Not unreasonably, but rationally afraid of heights. I think everyone is.”
“In a world demanding trashy, stay classy, America.”
“Men cannot have periods. Men cannot give birth. Men are not having 'day 354 of girlhood' just because they felt like it.
'Trans women' and biological women are not the same and acknowledging biological reality does not make you transphobic or bigoted. Nor does it mean you don't…”
“Obesity is not beautiful, despite gracing the cover of every women's magazine.
It's our society's greatest silent killer and will give you heart disease, diabetes, cancer, bone disease, and more.
Hit the gym, girl.”
“Obesity is on the rise. Marriage rates are plummeting. Loneliness, depression, and anxiety are the norm, not the exception.
P*rnography has replaced intimacy. Followers have replaced friendships.
Why is our 'new normal' changing so quickly, and what can we do about it?”
“Our entire culture of dating and sex has been set up as a lie, telling us we’re 'empowered' while simultaneously making us the most miserable we’ve ever been.
It’s no coincidence we’ve effectively destroyed marriage, sexual boundaries, the family, dating with intention, and gender roles, while we have the highest rates of anxiety, depression, and suic!de the world has ever seen.
We’re meant for more.”
“Pride month is the last thing we should be proud of this year.
With naked men performing in front of children, nun drag queens mocking Jesus' crucifixion, and transition surgeries for kids who don't know any better.”
“Sex is not supposed to be transactional – every time you sleep with someone, your brain releases oxytocin to emotionally bond with your significant other.
You need the emotional component of sex within a loving relationship.”
“There are strict differences between men and women, from how our brains are structured to how we show affection, from muscle mass and bone density to the way we respond to stress.
You were not built to do everything a man can do, you were built for everything he can't do.”
“There is not a single American right today that women lack and men enjoy.”
“There's nothing demeaning about wanting marriage and becoming a mom.
Growing another human life, bringing it into the world, and raising it in this crazy society is the most badass, punk-rock, fulfilling thing you could do with your life.”
“They’re doing everything they can to silence truth. Don’t let them.”
“Those in power have been in Washington decades longer than we've been alive, and they've lied to us about everything.
They lied about COVID.
They lied about lockdowns.
They lied about masks.
They lied about George Floyd.
They lied about Jan 6th.
They lied about what women are.”
“Way too many Christians forget we aren't supposed to be loved and praised by this world when we follow Christ.
We're supposed to be hated by this world and persecuted for sharing the truth.
Don't subscribe to feel-good, watered-down Christianity when you could have the real thing.”
“We have the lowest marriage rate since 1864 and the highest divorce rate ever, and it seems nearly every 'powerful woman' tells us we should avoid the constraints of marriage and family – it will only hold us back from careers.
We're told the Earth will implode at any moment.”
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“What happened to 'in sickness and in health? For richer or for poorer?'
Well he was messy so I just had to break up my entire home...”
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