J. Edgar Hoover Quotes

Best 20 Masters Of Deceit Quotes by J. Edgar Hoover

Masters Of Deceit Quotes

“Actually the vast majority of Negroes and members of foreign-language groups have rejected communism for what it is: a heartless, totalitarian way of life which completely disregards the dignity of man.”

Masters Of Deceit

“Communism is the very opposite of liberalism. Liberalism means increased rights for the citizen; a curb on the powers of the central government; freedom of speech, religion, and the press.”

Masters Of Deceit

“Communism, Marx proclaimed, represented the new “synthesis” of the capitalist-proletariat struggle and the apex of all history. At this point, said Marx, conflict would now cease, although, again, he does not say why. This new world would be the “perfect” and “final” society: stateless, classless, godless, where all property used in production would be held in common, and human activities would conform to the principle “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.”

Masters Of Deceit

“Communists are not liberals.”

Masters Of Deceit

“Dictatorship is power based directly upon force and unrestricted by any laws.”

Masters Of Deceit

“Espionage is utilized not only to secure information but also to weaken the 'enemy' from within.”

Masters Of Deceit

“In June, 1957, Nikita Khrushchev, Soviet Communist Party boss, was interviewed before a nation-wide American television audience. With calm assurance he stated: I can prophesy that your grandchildren in America will live under socialism. And please do not be afraid of that. Your grandchildren will not understand how their grandparents did not understand the progressive nature of a socialist society.”

Masters Of Deceit

“It is a bitter irony of history, indeed, that the founder of communism should be literally kept alive by a wealthy industrialist, and that a capitalist’s son, turned communist, should become the second 'father' of this revolutionary movement.”

Masters Of Deceit

“It is the function of mass agitation to exploit all the grievances, hopes, aspirations, prejudices, fears, and ideals of all the special groups that make up our society, social, religious, economic, racial, political. Stir them up. Set one against the other. Divide and conquer. That’s the way to soften up a democracy.”

Masters Of Deceit

“Karl Marx described Judaism as 'anti-social' and an expression of Jewish 'egoism'. Marx, better than any other communist leader, illustrates the gulf between Jewish tradition and communism. He could not be loyal to both, so in accepting the communist ideal, he was not content to reject Jewish tradition; he had to malign it and seek to destroy it with such bitterness as: Money is the jealous God of Israel, by the side of which no other god may exist. Exchange is the Jew’s real God.”

Masters Of Deceit

“Lenin’s distinction is decisive. A propagandist, he says, to explain unemployment must talk about the capitalist nature of the crisis, the need for building a socialist society, etc.”

Masters Of Deceit

“Millions of Russians found themselves gripped by a tyranny incomparably worse than that of the Czar.”

Masters Of Deceit

“Noncommunist ranks must be infiltrated, penetrated, and subverted. The success of the communist mission depends on capturing the enemy’s stronghold from within.”

Masters Of Deceit

“Of particular interest to the communists is the influence of fellow travelers and sympathizers in the 'thought-molding' field: teachers, script writers, newspapermen, news analysts. If these individuals can be subjected to the slightest bit of communist thought control, the Party will have won a major victory.”

Masters Of Deceit

“Party leaders stay in fancy hotels or take vacations, while rank-and-file members are hounded to donate the last dollar.”

Masters Of Deceit

“Smears, character assassination, and the scattering of irresponsible charges have no place in this nation. They create division, suspicion, and distrust among loyal Americans—just what the communists want—and hinder rather than aid the fight against communism.”

Masters Of Deceit

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“The best way to appreciate the nature and objectives of an enemy is to observe him in action.”

Masters Of Deceit

“The communists have a special disdain for lawyers. Perhaps it is because there will be no need for lawyers when there are no rights to defend. At any rate, Foster has said: The pest of lawyers will be abolished.”

Masters Of Deceit

“The Party member may physically reside in the United States, but he 'lives' in a communist 'world'.”

Masters Of Deceit

“There is no doubt that America is now the prime target of international communism.”

Masters Of Deceit