J. T. McCormick Quotes


Best 41 Quotes by J. T. McCormick – Page 1 of 2

“Even a person who wins the lottery isn’t lucky. They took the first step of buying a ticket!”

“Everything in business comes down to focusing on people — your customers, your partners, and most importantly, your team. When you care about the people you’re serving, then results are easy.”

“I believe the role of leadership, at its core, is to serve and support the people you lead by way of teaching, coaching, and mentoring – with the ultimate goal of growing more leaders.”

“I’ve built a career out of asking questions.”

“No one works for me. They work with me.”

Beyond Barriers Podcast Quotes

“Ask yourself who do you want to be going forward from here?”

Beyond Barriers Podcast

“Don’t focus on your weaknesses, focus on your strengths. If you double-down on your strengths, you can be impeccable.”

Beyond Barriers Podcast

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“Refuse to use the word fail. You only fail if you stop trying.”

Beyond Barriers Podcast

“Remove the words hope, wish and luck from your vocabulary. Replace those with 'believe'. If you truly believe in something, then you know in your mind, you’ve got to execute.”

Beyond Barriers Podcast

“You can’t expect someone to love or believe in you if you don’t love and believe in yourself.”

Beyond Barriers Podcast

Fast Leader Show Quotes

“Attention to detail is a basic thing that will help you be successful.”

Fast Leader Show

“Capitalism is not a bad thing. You can do more with money to give back to others than you can being broke.”

Fast Leader Show

“Don’t let someone else define for you what success looks like.”

Fast Leader Show

“How you treat people is how they will also treat people externally.”

Fast Leader Show

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“It doesn’t matter where you fall on the economic ladder, you don’t know what you don’t know.”

Fast Leader Show

“It’s not about failing. You can make mistakes, but the key is to learn, grow, and not repeat those mistakes.”

Fast Leader Show

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“Positive expectations are the mark of the superior personality.”

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“It’s not work-life balance. It’s just life.”

Fast Leader Show

“It’s up to you as an individual to change your mindset.”

Fast Leader Show

“People. Process. Profits. You find great people, you can build great process, you can make great profits.”

Fast Leader Show

“The things that you do over and over are the things that help you grow as a company and as a person.”

Fast Leader Show

“What did you do for others to help improve their lives, to teach, to share, to help grow?”

Fast Leader Show

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“You can’t change the past, but you can change how you view the story. Choose to take the positives from the harsh lessons that you went through.”

Fast Leader Show

“You don’t want people to be satisfied, you want people to be fulfilled.”

Fast Leader Show

“You only fail if you stop trying.”

Fast Leader Show

I Got There Quotes

“There’s a phrase in Zen Buddhism called beginner’s mind. It’s a state where a person is open, eager, and without any preconceived notions when learning something for the first time.”

I Got There

“Touch the hole in your life, and there flowers will bloom.

– Zen proverb”

I Got There

Join Up Dots Podcast Quotes

“Every day that you wake up and your feet hit the ground it’s an excellent day.”

Join Up Dots Podcast

“How do you balance life? For me it came down to five pillars: God, health, family, business and investing. If it doesn’t fall within those five things for me, I don’t do it.”

Join Up Dots Podcast

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“I always want to continue to grow as a person continue to learn, continue to improve and do my part to make the world a better place.”

Join Up Dots Podcast

“I don’t care what I went through as a child. Anything from the sexual molestation, from my father was a pimp and drug dealer orphan mother, and I still don’t know where my last name comes from. Great. All of that happened to me. But you know what, I was still born in this country. So I still had a leg up. I have a responsibility to go out and achieve that American dream because it’s still alive.”

Join Up Dots Podcast

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“The rules your parents teach you to live by are very different than the rules the world actually runs by. Most of the conventional wisdom is not only wrong, it's a lie told to us by people who want to control us. It doesn't help us, it helps them. Pretty much everything we're told by the established power structures in our lives are made up fairytales us to reinforce that control: Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the tooth fairy, fat-free frozen dinners, religion, and metering lights on the highway. The list goes on.”

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