Jack Canfield Quotes

Best 11 Other Quotes by Jack Canfield

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.”

“Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.”

“If it ain't fun don't do it.”

“Most everything that you want is just outside your comfort zone.”

“Our job is not to figure out the 'how'. The 'how' will show up out of the commitment and believe in the 'what'.”

“People who ask confidently get more than those who are hesitant and uncertain. When you've figured out what you want to ask for, do it with certainty, boldness and confidence.”

“There are essentially two things that will make you wise: the books you read and the people you meet.”

“Vague goals produce vague results.”

“When you think you can't, revisit a previous triumph.”

“You don't have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going. Babies don't walk the first time they try, but eventually they get it right.”

“You only have control over three things in your life: the thoughts you think, the images you visualise and the actions you take.”

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