Jack Donovan Quotes


Best 60 Quotes by Jack Donovan – Page 1 of 2

“Borders do not make a people. People make borders.”

“Civilization comes at a cost of manliness. It comes at a cost of wildness, of risk, of strife. It comes at a cost of strength, of courage, of mastery. It comes at a cost of honor. Increased civilization exacts a toll of virility, forcing manliness into further redoubts of vicariousness and abstraction.”

“We are, each of us, alone. And this is the first law of masculinity. And it is the most important law. Your value is equal to the value which you bring to the tribe.

We are not equal. You are not special. Respect is earned, not given. Your brothers will not love you unconditionally for who you are, just being yourself. They will criticise you, push you to your limits, bring out the best in you, and give you their respect when earned.

And this isn't shocking at all. This is common knowledge to any man. Your childhood is over. The boy is dead. It's time to be a man for the rest of your life.”

A More Complete Beast Quotes

“Great men are not motivated by what is necessary, satisfactory or practical. Great men are motivated by what is great. That which is necessary merely facilitates beauty and greatness.”

A More Complete Beast

“In The Empire of Nothing, the high arbiters of morality are in effect the offended complainers – those grievance grifters who are always upset, always unsatisfied, always the victim, always angling for special treatment, always trying to get something for nothing.”

A More Complete Beast

“The man who wants to be great believes that he is worthy of greatness. And it is so because he makes it so.”

A More Complete Beast

“The weak man who agrees that it is better to be strong — and then pushes himself to be stronger — is different from the weak man who decides strength is useless — or even morally suspect — because he doesn’t have it.”

A More Complete Beast

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


Androphilia Quotes

“If anything has made men more effeminate in the past half-century, it's been the running feminist critique of masculinity.”


“No matter how exotic or seemingly different another man is, there's always some reflection of self in another male.”


“The natural gods of men are other men, mythic or real, who embody manhood in men's eyes.”


Becoming a Barbarian Quotes

“*ssholes who run into trouble all the time probably run into trouble because they are *ssholes.”

Becoming a Barbarian

“Becoming a barbarian — becoming the kind of man who can belong to a tribe — requires a level of commitment that makes 'good, modern, civilized men' uncomfortable.”

Becoming a Barbarian

“Better to live vigorously, better to fight, than to simply wait for the end in peace.”

Becoming a Barbarian

“Do the other people in this group know that they are in a group with you? Would the other people in this group acknowledge you as a representative member? What would other members of this group do for you if you needed help? What would you do for them, if they needed help? Do the majority of the people in this group share your values? Are you sure?”

Becoming a Barbarian

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“Evaluating and altering the way you use the word 'we' in speech, thought and writing is the simplest, yet also one of the most profound changes you can make in your everyday life to secede psychologically from the global collective and become a barbarian.”

Becoming a Barbarian

“Flag-wavers often say: If you don’t like my country, then leave.
But there is nowhere to go. There is no escape.”

Becoming a Barbarian

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“No, society would not collapse without nurses and teachers.

Society would collapse without plumbing, building, electricity, oil, etc.

Men are the ones that make society run – why should women get an equal say?”

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“Good, modern, civilized Western white men are so easily cowed by charges of bias and privilege that they work tirelessly to outdo each other with social displays of moral universalism — by cucking themselves in every way imaginable.”

Becoming a Barbarian

“If you're going to be a master of your own life and your own world, you choose your values.”

Becoming a Barbarian

“It has always been the job of men to separate 'us' from 'them', and to police and protect the boundaries of the band, tribe, kingdom or nation.

The function of women has always been to unify the tribe from within, to nurture positive relationships, to make everyone feel wanted and included, and to care for and empathize with the young, the old, the sick and the wounded.”

Becoming a Barbarian

“Life is conflict; peace is death. Forces of chaos keep the cycles of history moving.”

Becoming a Barbarian

“Negative information about immigrants and minority groups is covered up by egalitarians or so legally perilous to talk about in some parts of the West that the polite and well-meaning nation of Sweden has become known as the rape capital of Europe.

Instead of dealing with the problem, the Swedes obscure and talk around it and many have simply accepted it as the 'new normal'.”

Becoming a Barbarian

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“People are always rattling on about what 'we' should do, whether they are talking about 'their' country or 'their' race or all of humanity or some other abstract group of humans who don't give a damn what they think about anything.

Who is 'We'? Who can you legitimately speak for? Who cares what you say? If you don't know, you're just running our mouth. You're just some guy yelling at the TV during a football game. Your 'we' can't hear you and if they could, they wouldn't care anyway.”

Becoming a Barbarian

“There are no true enemies, only potential allies — hearts and minds yet to be won, 'peaceful people' being deprived of their natural right to fast food, wall-to-wall carpet and high definition p*rnography.

There are no more statues of heroes because no true villains can be acknowledged. There is no Beowulf because there are no monsters or dragons — only outsiders who are disenfranchised and misunderstood.

Monuments can only be raised to mythic martyred unifiers like Jesus Christ or Martin Luther King or Abraham Lincoln.”

Becoming a Barbarian

“To be a barbarian today is to draw your own perimeter and build social networks and reciprocal relationships that are not dictated or controlled by the Empire.”

Becoming a Barbarian

“Western men are supposed to constantly ask women for permission and make sure women don’t feel threatened or undermined in any way.”

Becoming a Barbarian

The Way of Men Quotes

“A child is a child, but an incompetent adult is a beggar.”

The Way of Men

“Being good at being a man is about being willing and able to fulfill the natural role of men in a survival scenario. Being good at being a man is about showing other men that you are the kind of guy they’d want on their team if the shit hits the fan.

Being good at being a man isn’t a quest for moral perfection, it’s about fighting to survive.

Good men admire or respect bad men when they demonstrate strength, courage, mastery or a commitment to the men of their own renegade tribes. A concern with being good at being a man is what good guys and bad guys have in common.”

The Way of Men

“Courage and strength are synergetic virtues. An overabundance of one is worth less without an adequate amount of the other.”

The Way of Men

Book of the Week

Mastery by Robert Greene


“Courage implies a risk. It implies a potential for failure or the presence of danger. Courage is measured against danger. The greater the danger, the greater the courage.

Running into a burning building beats telling off your boss. Telling off your boss is more courageous than writing a really mean anonymous note. Acts without meaningful consequences require little courage.”

The Way of Men

“Honor Diversity is an interesting slogan, because it essentially means honor everyone and everything. If everyone is honored equally, and everyone’s way of life is honored equally, honor has no hierarchy, and therefore honor has little value according to the economics of supply and demand. 'Honor Diversity' doesn’t mean much more than 'be nice'.”

The Way of Men

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“Our job in this life is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it.”

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