Jacob Liberman Quotes Page 2


Best 69 Quotes by Jacob Liberman – Page 2 of 3

“We are each other's homeopathic remedies. Continuously attracting into our lives an exact mirror image of what we are putting out. So Light is Nature's perfect homeopathic remedy, because it is the formless expression of what we experience as form.”

“We don’t see from the eyes. There is some aspect of our humanity that is actually having this experience.”

“We don’t see with the eye and ultimately we don’t even see with the mind. There is something that observes the activity of the body and simultaneously observes what we call the activity going on in the mind.”

“What began as a miraculous shift in my eyesight got me into the area of light and color-therapy and to the realization that light is far more than the brightness that we experience when we look out during the day. Light is actually the intelligence of life, the foundational energy from where life emerges.”

“What I discovered is that everyone sees something different. Color is not an objective thing, it is a subjective experience created within the consciousness.”

“What I discovered over the years is that vision improvement is not about exercising the eyes or changing your mind, it is about recognizing both physical phenomena and what we call mental or conscious phenomena and that the “Observer” is actually the source from where all
this originates.”

“What’s interesting is this, your body runs on light! If I said, “A plant depends upon light.” You’d say, “Of course! Everybody knows that!” What I want to share with your audience is that all plants, all animals and all humans are inseparably connected with light. Every function of your body is light dependent.”

“Whatever we do, we do to ourselves – there is no one else.”

“When light interacts with the eye, it is literally looking for the eye, moving it toward the next thing in our life that we’re supposed to attend to. We often hear the expression “It caught my eye.” But, we rarely ask what is the it that caught our eye.”

“When people experience thoughts going on within them what most of them don’t realize is the reason we are aware of this phenomenon is because our true essence is actually observing it.”

“When the intellect sees something it recognizes and fears, it runs. And where it runs to is wherever we have found that helps us to avoid the feared experience. We may run to overwork, alcohol, cigarettes, meaningless talking, anger - whatever it is that helps us avoid the fear.”

“When the physicist looks at a photon, he notices that it behaves as we have always described God: it is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent!”

“When we experience unreceptiveness, or body perturbation - when we encounter something in life that we have never fully assimilated - we avoid it by going into the intellect! This behavior, I believe, is the cause of everything we refer to as ''addiction.'' Addictions are behaviors and substances we use to avoid having this ''it doesn't feel good'' experience.”

“When you take light out of our lives in the same way as you would take the life out of a plant's life, we begin to contract.”

Luminous Life Quotes

“Is it possible that our essential ideas about life are flawed?”

Luminous Life

“The most important things in life are our health and happiness. Yet most of us are neither healthy nor happy.”

Luminous Life

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“The real violence is the internal conflict we experience throughout our lives, because we do not know who we are and believe we are essentially different from others.”

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Take Off Your Glasses and See Quotes

“Anxiety due to environmental stress is a major cause of myopia.”

Take Off Your Glasses and See

“I've found, however, that real change only comes when we let go of the struggle, when we stop trying, and that the greatest key to healing our vision is also the simplest one: expanding our awareness.”

Take Off Your Glasses and See

“No matter how far we evolve, as long as we are alive we will continue to experience expansion and contraction.”

Take Off Your Glasses and See

“Over half the people in the United States wear corrective lenses, and almost all of them are capable of seeing much more clearly - if they would only experiment with changing their ideas about vision.”

Take Off Your Glasses and See

Wisdom from an Empty Mind Quotes

“Animals live in the Kingdom of God. We occasionally visit on weekends.”

Wisdom from an Empty Mind

“Are you a human being or a human doing?”

Wisdom from an Empty Mind

“Being normal isn't natural or healthy.”

Wisdom from an Empty Mind

“For most of us, the being side of life is underused, and the doing side is weighted down. When we are being, we are humane and very much in touch with everything in life. When we are doing, we forget the essence of our humanity and narrowly focus our minds on "making things happen." We forget that everything in life is already happening!”

Wisdom from an Empty Mind

“If you want to view life in its natural state, go into nature and observe animals. Wild animals live effortlessly in the Kingdom of God. They are always present – never doing anything early or late, excessively or deficiently. Their behavior is a model of the word 'responsibility,' meaning they respond to life with presence and awareness at all times.”

Wisdom from an Empty Mind

“Imagine that life is simply about taking care of ourselves. Feeding ourselves, bathing ourselves, tending to whatever comes before us, and in that way, just being.”

Wisdom from an Empty Mind

“In order to reclaim our natural connection with life, we must begin living with greater presence, respect, and gratefulness. We have been living under the illusion that evolution has ended with us at its helm. Perhaps the dinosaurs thought that, too!”

Wisdom from an Empty Mind

“Living successfully isn't about making a lot of money. It is about embracing life, and responding to it honestly in each moment. This alone is the true source of our prosperity, because in this practice, we evolve from human doings to human beings.”

Wisdom from an Empty Mind

“Many of us pride ourselves on being 'normal,' but what we call normal may not be very natural – let alone healthy! If you're 'normal,' you will probably experience cancer, arthritis, vision loss, or heart disease sometime during your life, and your natural process of saging will be reduced to aging.”

Wisdom from an Empty Mind

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