Jacob Liberman Quotes Page 3


Best 69 Quotes by Jacob Liberman – Page 3 of 3

Wisdom from an Empty Mind Quotes

“Non-doing is not the opposite of doing! It is neither passive nor active, but a state of optimal presence and sensitivity. It is a fluid response to life, rather than a branding iron applied to life to get it to move "our way." Competitive athletes refer to non-doing as "the zone." In this state, an appropriate response to any situation originates from our core and is not edited by the intellect. It defines response-ability, rather than react-ability. Non-doing happens when we trust that life always has the first move -- that in reality, we are living in a state of "not knowing" -- and therefore, our actions are not isolated initiations based on our own desires, but responses to life's invitations.”

Wisdom from an Empty Mind

“Non-doing means that we are ready to respond to whatever life brings us, yet feel no need to initiate anything. It is the exquisite experience of being guided effortlessly and surprised by the miracle called life.”

Wisdom from an Empty Mind

“Our lives today are complex because we have lost sight of what is essential. We've developed technologies to handle the complexities we have created, but still have no time for living!”

Wisdom from an Empty Mind

“Take care of what's in front of you, and the universe will take care of you.”

Wisdom from an Empty Mind

“We often talk about "wanting to be spiritual," but being spiritual and taking care of our everyday affairs are exactly the same thing. There is no difference.”

Wisdom from an Empty Mind

“When animals are hungry, they eat. When they're not hungry, they don't worry about where their next meal will come from. You never see a bear looking for a job, doing aerobics, or taking a cigarette break! We are the only species with concepts of unemployment, exercise, and addiction.”

Wisdom from an Empty Mind

“When I do less, more things happen. When I do nothing everything happens.”

Wisdom from an Empty Mind

“When something enters our awareness, that's the moment to take care of it. Don't pay that bill tomorrow, take out the trash later, or make the bed when you get back. When you see it, do it! Don't prioritize anything -- life has already done that for you.”

Wisdom from an Empty Mind

“When we don't take care of things in the moment, they get backed up and we feel overwhelmed. But life never brings us anything at the wrong time!”

Wisdom from an Empty Mind

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