James Altucher Quotes Page 2


Best 313 Quotes by James Altucher – Page 2 of 11

“Computers are considered smart if they think like humans and humans are considered smart if they think like computers.”

“Corporations pay you just enough so you can live but not enough so that you can escape their leash.”

“Creativity is a muscle. You can’t have good ideas if you don’t exercise that muscle.”

“Decide every day what you believe in and don’t compromise on those beliefs. Every time you compromise, you become part of the machine. Much more happiness is found outside of the machine.”

“Do 100 pushups a day instead of zero.”

“Do not let the regrets of the past, or anxieties of the future, steal from the only moment which truly is real – right now.”

“Do one thing every day you loved as a kid.”

“Do the work first to make your life better. Laziness needs to be earned a little.”

“Do what you do with love, and success is a natural symptom.”

“Don't be in a rush. Every overnight success I’ve spoken to took 10-20 years to get there. But only if they celebrated small success along the way.”

“Don't depend on others for your happiness.”

“Don't read news. News is about shock. Not about knowledge.”

“Don’t be a sore loser. Learn from the losses. Lose frequently so you learn more.”

“Don’t believe something just because everyone else believes it.”

“Don’t ever say you “can’t” do something. If there’s something you passionately want, there’s always some way to get it or get close to it.”

“Don’t outsource your self-esteem to a romantic partner.”

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“Don’t quit your day job is supposed to be a funny way of saying, “You shouldn’t get out of your comfort zone. You shouldn’t try to better yourself. You shouldn’t strive for more. Don’t try to be rich.”

“Don’t read the news. Every second you read “news” you can be reading or doing something that can improve your life. People who write news are phonies.”

“Don’t take a No from someone who can’t say Yes.”

“Energy is more important than money. Energy is what makes you live a long, productive and happy life.”

“Every day I ask: what else could I be doing. I wait for the answer. And then I do it.”

“Every day, avoid death.”

“Every good creation in history was the child of really ugly parents.”

“Every primate ranks themselves in their tribe from alpha to omega.”

“Everyone is forgotten. Four generations from now, nobody will know your name.”

“Everything worthwhile requires skill. If you want to achieve something, you need more skill than all of the other people trying to achieve it. Break apart a skill into 20 micro-skills. Figure out how, each day, you can get better at each micro-skill. Don’t worry about the outcomes. outcomes happen naturally as you build the skills. Just every day focus on improving each micro-skill a tiny, tiny bit. This is the roadmap to success in anything you want to do.”

“Excuses are easy lies we tell ourselves to cover up our failures.”

“Explain it to me like I’m a three year old. This is the only way to learn. Only way to listen.”

“Focus on how to make the people around you look good.”

“For every dollar you make, 40% goes to taxes. At least 16% of those taxes goes to support wars.”

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