James Altucher Quotes


Best 35 The Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth Quotes by James Altucher – Page 1 of 2

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth Quotes

“Comedians are the best public speakers and are up against the most brutal audiences, so you must study them. Learn from them.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“Don’t do something just for the money. Money is a side effect of persistence. You persist in things you are interested in. Explore your interests. Then persist. Then enjoy all the side effects.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“Every master has his Elba. Banished to an island where the life you once knew no longer exists and it seems like there is no way to escape.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“Everything in life is about having as many options as possible so you can maximize your freedom.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“Follow the one percent rule: improve one percent each day, in each of these areas of life.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“Good ideas are a link between the real world and the world of myths and dreams.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“Have themes instead of goals.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“I buy experiences and not things. I don’t like to buy my kids’ gifts. But I’ll take them places and won’t hold back. They will lose and forget the “things” in the long run. But they will never forget the experiences.”

The Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth

“I have lots of ideas. How do I pick the right one? Execute on as many as possible. The right idea will pick you.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“I think Bitcoin has about a 1 in 100 chance of being a survivor. So I have 1% of my portfolio in Bitcoin.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“Ideas are the currency of life. Not money—because money can run out.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“If anything, diversify not across stocks but across the smart people you follow.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“If someone no longer has your best interest at heart, then in your own self-interest you need to back off. Now.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“If someone wrote Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony right now it would be laughed at.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“If you can't walk away from a negotiation, then you aren't negotiating. You're just working out the terms of your slavery. ”

The Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth

“Mastery begins when formal education ends. Find the topic that sets your heart on fire. Then combust.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

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“One idea I taught was the importance of regaining presence and clarity of mind after making a serious error.”

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“Most people are not truly talented at anything. However, most people can be pretty good at something.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“Only free time, imagination, creativity, and an ability to disappear will help you deliver value that nobody ever delivered before in the history of humankind.”

The Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth

“Perfectionism is the enemy of the idea muscle. Perfectionism is your brain trying to protect you from harm—from coming up with an idea that is embarrassing and stupid and could cause you to suffer pain.”

The Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth

“Persistence creates luck.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“Prominent behavioral psychologist Dan Ariely has done research that tells us that the peak productivity period in a person’s day is 2-5 hours after they wake up. After that, he says, there are declining returns on the work you put in.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“Reading is the best return on investment. You have to live your entire life in order to know one life. But with reading you can know 1000s of people’s lives for almost no cost. What a great return!”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“Take out a pad. List everything you enjoyed doing from the ages of six to eighteen, before your life was ruled by college, relationships, crappy jobs, mortgages, kids, responsibilities, self-loathing, etc.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“The only way to have success is to build the foundation for it.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“There’s no way to know in advance if a business idea is a good one. Google started around 1996 but didn’t make a dime of money until around 2001.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“Tomorrow is 100 percent based on the negotiations you do today.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“Ultimately, mastery is about connecting the dots of many fields.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“We love our excuses. They are just as much our babies as our ideas are.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“When I was at my worst, the first thing I had to do was convince myself that I could succeed again.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

“When you don’t choose, you excuse.”

The Choose Yourself Guide To Wealth

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“We simply can’t trust our feelings to guide our actions. If we wander through life chasing 'good feelings', we’ll figure out plenty of ways to not feel bad about every 'little' bout of procrastination, overeating, overspending, and what have you, and one day we’ll wonder why the hell we’re so fat, broke, lazy, and ignorant.”

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