James Clear Quotes Page 8


Best 238 Quotes by James Clear – Page 8 of 8

Atomic Habits Quotes

“Your actions reveal how badly you want something. If you keep saying something is a priority but you never act on it, then you don’t really want it. It’s time to have an honest conversation with yourself. Your actions reveal your true motivations.”

Atomic Habits

“Your outcomes are a lagging measure of your habits. Your net worth is a lagging measure of your financial habits. Your weight is a lagging measure of your eating habits. Your knowledge is a lagging measure of your learning habits. You get what you repeat.”

Atomic Habits

Chilian proverb Quotes

“Criticizing a musician is easy, but it is more difficult when you have a guitar in your hand.”

Chilian proverb

Transform Your Habits Quotes

“Becoming the type of person you want to become — someone who lives by a stronger standard, someone who believes in themselves, someone who can be counted on by the people that matter to them — is about the daily process you follow and not the ultimate product you achieve.”

Transform Your Habits

Twitter post Quotes

“All this time spent talking about other people's bodies, gossiping about other people's relationships, criticizing other people's businesses.

Keep your eyes on your own paper. Work on your body. Nurture your relationships. Improve your business.

We all have plenty to improve.”

Twitter post

“Create your life rather than live it.”

Twitter post

“If you keep doing what you are about to do today for the next five years, will you end up with more of what you want or less of what you want?”

Twitter post

“If you're unwilling to adapt to the future, you'll justify the past.”

Twitter post

“In general…

When I’m looking at a screen, I feel like I need more.

When I’m looking at nature, I feel like I have enough.”

Twitter post

“In sports, one of the primary sources of advantage is choosing how to play the game. In life, one of the primary sources of advantage is choosing which game to play.”

Twitter post

“In the long-run, prioritization beats efficiency.”

Twitter post

“Is taking things so seriously improving my performance? How can today feel like play?”

Twitter post

“It doesn’t make sense to continue wanting something if you’re not willing to do what it takes to get it.

If you don’t want to live the lifestyle, then release yourself from the desire. To crave the result but not the process, is to guarantee disappointment.”

Twitter post

“Just start.

Start slow if you have to. Start small if you have to. Start privately if you have to.

Just start.”

Twitter post

“Keeping the habit alive is a powerful act. It's easier to stay in shape than to get in shape. It's easier to keep a house clean than to get it clean.

Many days it may feel like you are treading water, but maintaining your progress saves your future self a great deal of work.”

Twitter post

“Leadership begins with your behavior.

What’s more powerful? A manager or coach or teacher who tells you the right thing to do? Or one who shows you how to live and work by example?

People gravitate toward the standard you set, not the standard you request.”

Twitter post

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“The bottom line is that if you become a master at handling problems and overcoming obstacles, what can stop you from success? The answer is nothing! And if nothing can stop you, you become unstoppable!”

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“Life rewards action, not intelligence.

Many brilliant people talk themselves out of getting started, and being smart doesn't help very much without the courage to act.

You can't win if you're not in the game.”

Twitter post

“Make mistakes, just don't make them permanent.”

Twitter post

“One of the most critical skills in life — and yet never taught in school — is choosing where to direct your attention.

After graduation, the valedictorian will often get lapped by 'average' people who better invest their time.”

Twitter post

“Simple mindset shifts:

– I'm not hurt, I'm healing.
– I'm not losing, I'm learning.
– I was not rejected, I was redirected.

Negative things happen. Negative mindsets make them harder.”

Twitter post

“The edge is in the inputs.

The person who consumes from better sources, gets better thoughts. The person who asks better questions, gets better answers. The person who builds better habits, gets better results.

It’s not the outcomes. It’s the inputs.”

Twitter post

“The more time you spend complaining about what you deserve, the less time you have to focus on what you can create.

Focus on what you can control.”

Twitter post

“The most effective networking strategy I’ve found has nothing to do with conferences, cocktail hours, cold emails, or any of the common ideas you hear.

1) Do interesting things.
2) Share them publicly.

Like-minded people will come to you.”

Twitter post

“To prioritize the day, think about the decade: If I want to be on track to achieve X in 10 years, what do I need to do today?”

Twitter post

“What do you have planned for today that energizes you?”

Twitter post

“When making plans, think big. When making progress, think small.”

Twitter post

“When researching strategies, emphasize patterns over stories. One person succeeding means nothing. 100 people succeeding is a signal.

When explaining strategies, emphasize stories over patterns. People forget numbers and charts. Everyone remembers a great story.”

Twitter post

“Would you rather be right or be happy?”

Twitter post

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“Only you can master your mind, which is what it takes to live a bold life filled with accomplishments most people consider beyond their capability.”

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