James Hamblin Quotes

Best 6 If Our Bodies Could Talk Quotes by James Hamblin

If Our Bodies Could Talk Quotes

“A successful man is emotionally restrained, keeping things close to the vest, defending your position, being in control, etcetera. If your identity is so wrapped around being that way that it prevents you from doing other things — connecting, disclosing, showing vulnerability, giving up control — you aren’t developing those skills. I think guys need extra attention to this because they are working against the societally defined Male Code.”

If Our Bodies Could Talk

“Forming an Adam’s apple requires testosterone, and that usually means functioning test*cles. When we look up at a billboard in Times Square featuring a man with a large Adam’s apple, we are essentially being shown a demonstration of test*cular aptitude. 'Buy this product', the ad is saying, 'and you’ll have good test*cles'.”

If Our Bodies Could Talk

“Just because we don’t know everything doesn’t mean that we know nothing.”

If Our Bodies Could Talk

“Preventable illness influences and is influenced by education, employment, the environment, and the economy.”

If Our Bodies Could Talk

“The fundamental construct of self and other is becoming untenable.”

If Our Bodies Could Talk

“The region of Westmont in South L.A. has a life expectancy ten years lower than across town in Culver City.”

If Our Bodies Could Talk

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“As far as your body’s cells are concerned, healthy diets are all essentially the same, resting on the same Four Pillars: meat on the bone, fermented and sprouted foods, organs and other 'nasty bits', and fresh, unadulterated plant and animal products.”

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