Jason Hairston Quotes
Best 11 Quotes by Jason Hairston
“All of it was a learning process. My life in college, and then right after college, was so focused on athletics and sports, and playing football, and then when I broke my neck everything ended abruptly. It was a really hard time trying to figure out “Okay, what’s the next phase in my life?”
“Being considered crazy by those who are still victims of cultural conditioning is a compliment.”
“I believe in hunting and conservation. It is disappointing when people question a hunters intentions because we hunt the game we love. The hunting community alone donates millions of dollars each year to protect the animals and their environment we hunt.”
“I love being able to talk with the client and to tell them why I exactly I buy my fabric. In fact, most manufacturers do not disclose this type of information because it allows them to make changes or purchase cheaper fabrics when desired. I wanted full transparency in my brand, so I decided to disclose everything about the production process in a blog. And so people kind of went crazy.”
“I played football until I was injured at the age of 24. Although, this injury stopped my career, it is important for me to stay in good shape. I run between 20-45 minutes almost daily and about 2 hours each weekend. I also do some weight training to prepare for the physical demands of mountain hunting.”
“Spending several days alone in the mountain becomes a powerful and spiritual thing.”
“The people who will log on to a live event at 10 a.m. on Tuesday are the innovators and early adopters, they’re the ones you can build a brand off of. They’re the ones who care about the latest, greatest product, and all of the little details about it, and they’re the ones who tell 10 people.”
“We just design the best equipment because that is one of the challenges of word of mouth marketing; if you build a poor product, nobody will talk about it.”
“When I was 9 years old I did not make my youth American football team, I was 'cut' as they call it here. I was cut again after trying out when I was 10 years old again. This inspired me to train and study the game. So much so I became an All American in College and Played Professional American Football for the San Francisco Forty Niners. This experince taught me to never give up and that I can achieve anything in life if I put my mind to it.”
“Wouldn’t it be neat to be in this business and to be making equipment and gear that doesn’t exist?”
When asked how he would like to be remembered Quotes
“As someone who was not afraid to chase his dreams.”