Jay Onwukwe Quotes
Best 80 Quotes by Jay Onwukwe – Page 1 of 3
Sexual Energy Transmutation Quotes
“A fleeting moment of sensual enjoyment whose consequence compels a would-be mother to bear nine months of pregnancy that gives her little or no joy; and forces a foetus to absorb nine months of cursing and anger from an unhappy mother to be, is better avoided.”
“A passionate, harmonious and balanced sex life promotes good health, creativity and productivity through a natural alignment of mind and body. Higher levels of sexual freedom and ecstasy can be attained when there is no inhibition or suppression of erotic feelings and fantasies by the couples.”
“A successful sexual act should not always be judged by whether a man or his partner comes or does not come. There is much more to sexual union than to experience explosive and multiple org*sms.”
“A well nourished brain expands your mental capacity for higher levels of cerebral activity. With a tremendous brain power comes also acumen, perception, intuition, zeal and dogged determination – the basic primary constituents for success in any endeavour.”
“A woman in love is a partner in progress. It is therefore the man’s duty to gently teach and lovingly encourage his partner to evolve with him. With the self-same power of sex, a woman can uplift or bring down a man.”
“Accumulated sexual energy sublimates into superior creative abilities which manifest in various forms depending on your personal needs, aspirations, disposition, pursuits and capabilities.
Thus, based on your peculiar circumstances, you may experience stronger intuition, increased mental alertness, improved clarity of thought, greater understanding of issues, persistence, faith, courage and enthusiasm that propel you to higher pedestals of success in your endeavour or niche.”
“Anyone aiming for true greatness and success in life must combine the wisdom of energy transmutation with the self-discipline of spirituality.”
“Benefits of sex energy transmutation include:
- Improved vitality and vigour
- Improved mental sagacity and acumen
- Increased personal magnetism
- Improved powers of keen observation
- Improved powers of concentration
- Improved intuition or sixth sense
- Improved immunity, potency and virility
- Increased attractiveness to the opposite sex
- Improved self confidence and self-control
- Improved conscious awareness
- Improved self-esteem or self-worth
- Accelerated spiritual evolution”
“By approaching the verge, yet avoiding a physical climax, the couples tether on the brink of pleasurable ecstasy, while mentally absorbing, circulating and re-channelling sexual energy upwards – as they explore this euphoric summit together – and this can go on for as long as they desire.”
“By purposefully re-directing your attention away from physical sexual gratification, and into the realization of some higher desirable objectives, but with the self-same intensity of emotional energy and mental dexterity usually generated by the quest for sex, you activate and avail yourself of the superior attributes required to achieve whatever you want. That is sexual energy transmutation.”
“Couples desirous of transmuting sexual energy should always enter into the sex act with over-flowing love and affection for each other. Since health, mental and spiritual benefits, not physical org*sm or ejac*lation are the primary objectives, movement if at all should be very slow and gentle. Positions that do not allow for much movement, but which allow deep penetration, caressing, cuddling and fondling should be adopted.”
“Depletion of man's creative essence through excessive emission is detrimental to all forms of creativity – including the creation of wealth and the accumulation of riches.”
“Develop a positive mental attitude by living a life of gratitude and positive expectancy; firmly holding your cup upright under the fount of in-exhaustible cosmic flow of love and wisdom that lead you to success in all your undertakings. That way, you keep your open doors open, and your channels of blessings flowing; and you are sure to receive abundant goodness and plenty, as you dwell perpetually in the constant flow of divine substance.”
“Discovering your purpose gives you focus and evolves your life-path; a path that leads to the success which ultimately brings you the fulfilment, contentment and joy you desire and deserve.”
“Do away with the victim mentality and adopt a response-ability approach to whatever happens in your life. Accepting responsibility and taking requisite action empowers you to take your earthly destiny in your own hands, whatever the situation.”
“During sexual intercourse between couples, there are some quite noticeable changes in the breathing, heartbeat, blood circulation, perspiration and glandular secretions of both partners. Less noticeable but equally present are changes in emotional and brain wave energy. All these have varying effects on the whole body.”
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“Aspirin can cause critical deficiencies in vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, and folic acid when used daily and should therefore be taken in conjunction with extra supplements of these nutrients.”
“Excessive emission of s*men de-vitalizes, deflates and de-magnetizes the man; but if conserved, it sublimates and strengthens the power centres, especially the crown.”
“Excessive emission of s*men weakens a man both physically and spiritually. This is because the offloaded s*men must be replenished by drawing the vital ingredients that constitute s*men from major organs and power centres of the body. And this restorative process takes awhile, depending on the age, health and vitality of the man.”
“For optimum pleasure and success, couples entering into sexual intercourse for the purpose of energy transmutation must ensure that conditions and settings are right and conducive. Most importantly, there must be emotional and spiritual harmony, love and mutual respect between the couples.”
“For the wise couple, the bringing of an offspring into the world should be by choice, not by chance. When such a couple desires and decides to procreate, and before they enter into the procreative communion, they should follow certain procedures to prepare and harmonize themselves, not just physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually. That way, they are sure to attract unto themselves a baby angel with the qualities they have prayed for.”
“Frequent or excessive loss of s*men can seriously weaken the body’s natural defence system, and thus expose a man to all forms of undesirable illnesses.”
“In its primal form, sexual energy is stored in the Root or Sex Chakra at the base of the spine; but when conserved, it accumulates, sublimates and moves up through the spinal cord, into the other energy centres of the body, especially the Crown.”
“In whatever field of activity or endeavour, when you successfully convert the pent-up craving for physical sexual expression into a strong passionate surge for victory and laurels, you have a winning formula. One of the greatest and most charismatic boxers of all times, Mohamed Ali was reputed to have known and effectively applied this wisdom to stylishly demolish many of his equally great opponents.”
“Incessant waste of life-force results in slow but steady disintegration of the body, and ultimately, death. Conservation is key to regeneration, vitality and youthfulness.”
“Incorrect sexual practices deplete mental, spiritual, emotional and physical energy. Sex can bind, and sex can liberate the spirit of man.”
“Intercourse postures and rhythms that naturally generate and circulate energy between the couples, must be emphasized, if sexual healing is to be achieved. There are several of these healing postures and rhythms; and their efficacy depends on the man’s ability to control ejac*lation, and the woman’s readiness to circulate healing energy.”
“Intuition is your ability to know instinctively. Imagination is your ability to see it in your head. To be successful, and to rise above mediocrity, a man must fully avail himself of his own powers of intuition and creative imagination.”
“Joy is the ultimate purpose of all striving. We all want to be joyful – that great feeling that comes with attainment of our heart's desire. Joy is an inside emotion activated by the successful or progressive attainment of our dreams, visions and desires.”
“Life is all about balance. Everything has its use, place and purpose in the divine plan. Therefore man, as the key player and master of his earthly destiny, must align with and uphold this divine plan. Moderation is the key to vitality and power. The wise man controls and conserves his vital force.”
“Life is all about service. Service is the channel through which you add Value to the world, and for which the world rewards and honours you. The greater your value added to the world, the higher your reward.”
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“Big pay and little responsibility are circumstances seldom found together.”